
Guest Post: “Rituals” by StatPush

I am eternally grateful to Rathbun & Rinder for what they’ve done. They’ve paid their “debt” for any wrongdoing. What their life must have been like. I wouldn’t trade places. Would you?

eating crow

Eating Crow: Tony Ortega Produces Dani Lemberger

I have to say that Tony Ortega hit it out of the park this morning. Not only did he publish evidence of probable criminal activity and cover up by members of the Church of Scientology in the Danny Masterson case, but he also produced Dani Lemberger, who said…

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Information Disease

A broader perspective, a wider context, and an array of diverse sources of ideas and information are the cures for information disease.

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Views: 0 How can fervent Churchie Elizabeth Moss (as she has been described by the tribal leaders of the anti-Scientology “movement”) possibly be doing a TV series with Ex-Scientologist Nicole Kidman? Oh I know! What’s … Read more

hana whitfield scientology

Hana Whitfield on Working With L Ron Hubbard

Views: 0Hana Whitfield was a loyal Sea Org Member in the Church of Scientology for over 22 years, working directly with L . Ron Hubbard for much of that time. Since leaving the Church of … Read more

lovebombing justin rybacki

Lovebombing Justin Rybacki

Views: 0The Underground Bunker rushed to re-capture their self-awarded crowns as the world’s greatest humanitarians today with a post about Ex-Scientologist Justin Rybacki, complete with a GoFundMe page to help him get on his feet … Read more