Tony Ortega and Ray Jeffrey Desperately Attempt to Control the Narrative, and Herd Ex-Scientologist’s Thinking

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Tony’s single hypothesis, which he’s riding like a little hobby horse in a futile attempt to herd Ex-Scientologists thinking (Ex-Scientologists who know more about Scientology than Tony Ortega and Ray Jeffrey ever will) has holes as big as the open range.

Some Well-Deserved Skepticism of Tony Ortega’s Smugness Emerges at the Underground Bunker

Tony Ortega

…”those who speculated that Rathbun had secretly settled will be feeling justifiably smug today”. – Tony Ortega Underground Bunker posters “8675309” and “Peacemaker” asked some important questions in the Underground Bunker a couple of days ago which I believe shed some well-deserved skepticism on Ortega’s smugness campaign against Mark and Monique Rathbun since April of … Read more


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How can fervent Churchie Elizabeth Moss (as she has been described by the tribal leaders of the anti-Scientology “movement”) possibly be doing a TV series with Ex-Scientologist Nicole Kidman? Oh I know! What’s the standard line from the anti-Scientologists? “Celebs are pampered by the Church!” Well there is some truth to that. But it’s like … Read more

Michelle Sterling Allows ESMB to be Filled With Spam


Apparently, nobody’s running the store over at the Ex-Scientologist Message Board since Ethercat left suddenly a few months ago, refusing to comment on what made her leave. I guess this is how ESMB will end. Does anyone care? I think the question on everyone’s mind right now is “Where will HelluvaHoax go? Does ESMB have … Read more

Conspiracy Theories on Scientology and the Aftermath

conspiracy Theories

A conspiracy theory is a kind of escape hatch any believer can retreat to whenever his belief system is challenged. They are a kind of catch-all defense. And the best part of a conspiracy theory is that the lack of evidence to support it PROVES it’s true! For instance: “NASA faked the moon landing.” This … Read more