Gerry Armstrong’s Amazing History in Scientology

Gerry Armstrong Shakes Hands with Jon Atack

At the Getting Clear conference in 2015, Gerry Armstrong detailed his history in Scientology and how he came to be assigned by L Ron Hubbard to work on LRH’s official biography, and how this led Gerry Armstrong to leave Scientology.

Robert Vaughn Young – Mike Rinder’s Predecessor Who Rinder Taunted Relentlessly for Having Cancer Writes Rinder an ‘Open Letter’ Before he Dies

RVY 01

Robert Vaughn Young preceded Rinder as the head of Dirty Tricks. He left Scientology in the 90’s and contributed some of the best critical writing on Scientology. He died of cancer in 2003.

Larry Wollersheim Gives You the Game Plan to Destroy Scientology

Mark Fisher Larry Wollersheim

Almost no anti-scn activist these days has ever been in court against Scientology for something that would ever shut them down. None of the “2nd Gen” ex Sea Org members you watch on Youtube ever have. But Larry Wollersheim has. He won $9 million dollars from the Church of Scientology. If you are genuine and … Read more

Scientology Historic Blockbuster: Steven Fishman’s “Lonesome Squirrel”

Book cover Steven Fishman Lonesome Squirrel

Statement by the ostensible Scientology “critic” Tony Ortega: “As we began reading “Lonesome Squirrel,” we realized that some of the people named in it have, 20 years later, come out of the church. So we reached out to them and they confirmed for us that nothing in the book associated with them actually happened. “Lonesome … Read more

The Sworn Declaration of Senior Scientology Executive Vicki Aznaran

Scientology Executives

Daniel Leipold Hagenbaugh & Murphy 2 701 South Parker Street, Suite 1200 Orange, California 92668 3 (714) 835-5406 Mark Goldowitz 1611 Telegraph Ave., Suite 1200 5 Oakland, California 94612 (510) 835-0850 Special Counsel for Defendant Lawrence Wollersheim 7 Lawrence Wollersheim 8 P.O. Box 10910 Aspen, Colorado 81612 9 (303) 650-3336   SUPERIOR COURT OF THE … Read more

How the Anti Cult Movement Harms Ex-Cult Members

the anti cult movement

Adopting the beliefs of the anti-cult movement dramatically changes the views and attitudes of those who experience a loss of faith. Those changes have a profound effect on how Exes make sense of their own past. So we must ask: How helpful is the ideology of the anti cult movement in making sense of your life?

Marisa Sigmond Threatens Me With Violence a Second Time

Marisa Sigmond

Marisa Sigmond, on this Youtube Channel’s community post, threatens violence against me, this time in writing. “You Scientology watching folks want some action?’ “Well this is action that goes unnoticed. But extremely rampant.’ “Ex Scientologists do not know how to fight me. Because I don’t fight Scientology style. I fight “I am going to drop … Read more

Dodge Landesman: Anti-Scientology Protestor Soloman Was Able to Issue a Permanent Restraining Order Against Zero Dark Tony In Court

dodge landesman

Here’s more from our intrepid reporter Dodge Landesman on this highly probable OSA managed, Distraction Operation. I have no comment at this time. Nor may I have one ever. Always remember: The Church of Scientology’s primary strategy against its critics and squirrels is: DIVIDE & CONQUER It’s secondary strategy is OBFUSCATE & DISTRACT I believe … Read more

I Cancel My Criticism of Nora Ames as a “Fake Critic of Scientology”

Nora Ames @OhnoNora

My criticism of Nora Ames that I made last year on her LIVE, which she courageously put up on her screen, where I said that I thought she was a “Fake Critic of Scientology” I’ve now cancelled. Before that incident, I had every reason to believe it. She’d spent more than a decade covering up … Read more

SPTV vs Aftermath: Liz Ferris Publicly Humiliates Stefani Hutchison for Starting GoFundMe for Her

Liz Ferris Youtube

In the DIVIDE & CONQUER Aftermath vs STPV Foundation Wars, Stefani Hutchison (Aftermath) started a GoFundMe for Liz Ferris (SPTV) to try to help Liz raise money for her recent medical expenses. SPTV hates Stefani Hutchison, so anything she does is considered suspicious and this (probably sincere) move by Stefani was used to publicly humiliate … Read more

Marisa Sigmond Threatens Me With Violence and to Dox “People Behind Me”

Marisa Sigmond

Marisa Sigmond set the video below to private right after I responded to her take-down request to my web host. When someone publicly threatens you with violence, it’s important to respond. So I will be. Marisa Sigmond tried to hide her video after it became an issue with another blog post I reported about her … Read more