scientology books in the trash -

Scientology Has Deleted Its Bible

One of the things that no one seems to be talking about in the incredibly craptastic social media based “Scientology Community” is that all those books by L Ron Hubbard pictured above – the Technical … Read more

l ron hubbard on the apollo

How Hubbard Lied: ReDefining “Individuation” Like It’s A Bad Thing

What if being a Scientologist was never a really a disease in the first place that you needed to “recover from”? What if it was just one part of your own much longer spiritual journey that taught you many important lessons, and from which you emerged stronger and wiser than ever?

How would you know?

Alanzo’s Leaving Scientology Interview February 2002

Alanzo on Ethercat’s “Through The Door” Friday, 27th September, 2002 08:39:19pm Name or Alias: Alanzo Training and/or processing level: Clear, Exec Status One, GAT Ethics Specialist, Data Series Evaluator Org or location: N/A Time involved … Read more