HelluvaHoax! the Number 1 Asshole on ESMB Caught Lying Again

HelluvaHoax! took this letter out of context, cut it in half, and characterized it in a way that only Joseph Stalin, L Ron Hubbard, and Snow Suzy herself would be proud. As I’ve documented many times, telling the truth is not the object of the anti-Scientology fanatic on any of the Snow Suzy properties.

never go full retard

Part Three: Never Go Full Anti

Scientologist and Anti-Scientologist alike can not think. They are both too militantly tribal to be able to think rationally. Here’s how.

what post-ex is not

An Example of What Post-Ex Is Not

I am presenting this piece of writing which appeared on ESMB recently as an example of what I believe to be a pathological state of mind for an Ex-Scientologist to develop. This particular Ex-Scientologist has … Read more

rachel bernstein cult counselor

Rachel Bernstein is Pissed!

The question is, will Rachel Bernstein stick around ESMB and actually post something that is not in her own commercial interests?