
Guest Post: “Rituals” by StatPush

I am eternally grateful to Rathbun & Rinder for what they’ve done. They’ve paid their “debt” for any wrongdoing. What their life must have been like. I wouldn’t trade places. Would you?

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Information Disease

A broader perspective, a wider context, and an array of diverse sources of ideas and information are the cures for information disease.

wall of fire by the wan

The WAN “Wall Of Fire”

Views: 0 The WAN “Wall Of Fire” copyright 2018 Here’s the last few frames. It’s in French, which is a little rusty for me these days. Can anyone translate it? Something about John Sweeney….. Would … Read more

lambs to slaughter

Sacred Cows + Siege Mentality = Sheeple

Views: 1 Sheeple. An actual mathematical formula for them. I’m not kidding. I think Carl Sagan wrote about it once: Ask Neil Degrasse Tyson. It describes a fundamental property of all human groups: not just … Read more

going clear wins three emmys

The Reich is Askew

Views: 1 The Reich is askew, yawing badly. All but the most delusional have abandoned ship. The Dwarfenführur launders his own soiled underwear today.

thinking with scientology is a trap

Scientology is a Trap

Views: 1 Alanzo on August 29, 2015 at 8:41 pm said: I think the discussion here is interesting, but as long as you are using Scientology to think with, you will never get out of … Read more