tony ortega's tweet

Tweeting With Tony Ortega

No one really thinks that Tony Ortega is unbiased and objective and tells all sides of the truth in his reporting on Scientology, do they?

lawrence wright

Lawrence Wright’s Questionable Metaphor – A “Prison of Belief”

There is a point at which this metaphor becomes an exercise in thought-stopping: A person accepts it as an explanation for why Scientologists do what they do in the way that Larry and other anti-Scientologists describe, and that’s all you need to know. It seems to explain everything when, in fact, it explains very little.

statue plato

After Scientology, It’s a Choice

When I was first getting out of Scientology around 13 years ago, I was talking to an ex-Scientologist who worked at the Lisa McPherson Trust. She received phone calls and emails from people getting out … Read more

gene pool uncle sam

Internalizing the Criticisms of Shallow Assholes

Self-invalidation and self-disgust for having been a Scientologist is a common result of trying to graduate from Scientology. In some places on the post-scientology Internet, it becomes an unspoken penance to be endured before we can truly be considered by others to be “out” and no longer a stupid and deluded cult moron.

rachel bernstein cult counselor

Rachel Bernstein is Pissed!

The question is, will Rachel Bernstein stick around ESMB and actually post something that is not in her own commercial interests?