
Sociopathy in Anti-Scientology

Read over this very quick selection of tweets by Anti-Scientologists on the subject, and see all the support they are giving to a murderer.

brendan tighe scientology

Has Celebrity Anti-Scientology Jumped the Shark?

Views: 0Yesterday, up and coming celebrity anti-Scientologist Brendan Tighe was on Meghan Kelly’s chat show, where he claimed that Scarlett Johansson auditioned with the Church of Scientology to be Tom Cruise’s girlfriend. Johanssen released a … Read more

mike rinder on scientology

Mike Rinder Fully Invalidates the Subject of Scientology

Starting at exactly 47 min and 35 sec, you will hear Mike Rinder, the number 2 or 3 guy in the Church of Scientology since the 1980’s, who was “on the ship” and worked with Hubbard since the 1970’s, completely invalidate the subject of Scientology and back it up with his own personal experience.