Jeffrey Augustine Admits Having Secret & Top Secret Clearances

From Porkins Policy Radio episode 104 Jeffrey Augustine on Scientology’s connections to Jim Marrs and conspiracy culture Released August 8, 2017 – 4:28 pm

“And Josh Reeves in this video you reference weaves in a lot of theories like to go back before Jim Marrs you had L Fletcher Prouty, you know, an intelligence officer, he tries to argue that that L Ron Hubbard’s war records were sheep-dipped, but he offered no evidence whatsoever.”

“For example, he said there were certain notations that indicated he was in military intelligence. However, the burden was on Prouty to carry his claim. He never showed what the notations looked like. He never like gave us a picture of this mark, this is the type of mark.’

I’ve had secret and top secret clearances in the past, and I know the annotations and indications of how to read these things, right? So, so there’s one wonders if you know this is just Scientology, paying money to outside experts to try to create some myths about L Ron Hubbard, that’s credible to their members.” – Jeffrey Augustine


Hear him for yourself at the link above. Start at 38:20.

Here’s the Youtube video, cued to 38:20. Listen to the whole thing, it’s fascinating in a way Jeffrey may not have wanted known.


7 thoughts on “Jeffrey Augustine Admits Having Secret & Top Secret Clearances”

  1. Yes, Karen and Jeffrey visit me occasionally on Target 2, where I regale them with stories of my ongoing ‘researches’ and they get me up to speed on their indie auditing of squirrels.

    • It’s quite a racket they have going, isn’t it? Pretending they’re ardent anti-Scientologists, while also pretending they’re “Indie Scientologists” – getting all the intelligence necessary to take both of them out.

      You trained her well, sir.

      Or was she already trained when she arrived in Scientology?

      In the 60’s, when she changed her name from ‘Jean Black’ to ‘Karen de la Carriere’ on the Apollo – did that make you horny?

  2. I think it’s mostly from selling really bad art to evangelicals. And I’m sure the NSF and elite universities are funding Jeffrey’s cosmological research.

    • Yes. Jeffrey Augustine has dealt in disinformation on Scientology since the early 2000’s.

      Michelle Ryan has a long history with him, beginning on OCMB. Here is a great thread she started about Jeffrey Augustine during the last days of ESMB in 2019:

      What Happened to OCMB? She showed how much he’s been lying about himself all this time.

      Yes, Jeffrey and Karen are huge frauds and liars. But how did they come to live in a bird-shit and dog-hair filled 3.5 million dollar house in the Los Feliz district of LA?

      How do they still live there? Where do they get their money?


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