logical problems with atheism

The Logical Problems With Atheism

If you understand what a belief is, you know that human existence is 99.9999% belief, and NOT knowledge. People who realize this are closer to reality than those who don’t realize it. People, like atheists, who think they are looking at knowledge when they are only looking at beliefs, are simply delusional.

hana whitfield scientology

Hana Whitfield on Working With L Ron Hubbard

Views: 1Hana Whitfield was a loyal Sea Org Member in the Church of Scientology for over 22 years, working directly with L . Ron Hubbard for much of that time. Since leaving the Church of … Read more

lovebombing justin rybacki

Lovebombing Justin Rybacki

Views: 1The Underground Bunker rushed to re-capture their self-awarded crowns as the world’s greatest humanitarians today with a post about Ex-Scientologist Justin Rybacki, complete with a GoFundMe page to help him get on his feet … Read more

jon atack - who's gullible?

Jon Atack: Who’s Gullible?

Anti-Scientology Reverend Jon Atack is missing something: Gullibility goes 2 ways. You can be too credulous in the direction of a positive interpretation of something, and in the direction of a negative interpretation, as well.

wall of fire by the wan

The WAN “Wall Of Fire”

Views: 0 The WAN “Wall Of Fire” copyright 2018 Here’s the last few frames. It’s in French, which is a little rusty for me these days. Can anyone translate it? Something about John Sweeney….. Would … Read more

emma of esmb

Ethercat Out & Emma Back In at ESMB

Views: 1I don’t know what kind of palace intrigue occured behind the scenes at ESMB last week, but something sure did. Ethercat resigned her position as Board I/C and Emma took back over the day-to-day, … Read more