Good Grief


My best friend died last November. Yesterday, I was in a business meeting with a new client at her business. A person from my friend’s old workplace stopped in to call on my new client. When that person left, I told this new client of mine a personal story about my friend that was wholly … Read more


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How can fervent Churchie Elizabeth Moss (as she has been described by the tribal leaders of the anti-Scientology “movement”) possibly be doing a TV series with Ex-Scientologist Nicole Kidman? Oh I know! What’s the standard line from the anti-Scientologists? “Celebs are pampered by the Church!” Well there is some truth to that. But it’s like … Read more

Michelle Sterling Allows ESMB to be Filled With Spam


Apparently, nobody’s running the store over at the Ex-Scientologist Message Board since Ethercat left suddenly a few months ago, refusing to comment on what made her leave. I guess this is how ESMB will end. Does anyone care? I think the question on everyone’s mind right now is “Where will HelluvaHoax go? Does ESMB have … Read more

Sam Harris on Atheists Appearing Just as Stupid as the Craziest of Religious Nutjobs

The Problem with Atheism

Along with Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett and Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris is considered one of the “Four Horseman” of New Age Atheism. He has a degree in philosophy from Stanford University and a Ph.D. in neuroscience from UCLA. He is also a practicing Buddhist. While avoiding the direct criticisms of atheism that I’ve laid out … Read more

Conspiracy Theories on Scientology and the Aftermath

conspiracy Theories

A conspiracy theory is a kind of escape hatch any believer can retreat to whenever his belief system is challenged. They are a kind of catch-all defense. And the best part of a conspiracy theory is that the lack of evidence to support it PROVES it’s true! For instance: “NASA faked the moon landing.” This … Read more

Lovebombing Justin Rybacki

lovebombing justin rybacki

The Underground Bunker rushed to re-capture their self-awarded crowns as the world’s greatest humanitarians today with a post about Ex-Scientologist Justin Rybacki, complete with a GoFundMe page to help him get on his feet after Scientology. Their gushing praise and acceptance of Justin was an inspiring sight: You can see that the lovebombing Justin Rybacki … Read more

Announcing the Tom Cruise Award for Anti-Scientology Fanaticism!

Tom Cruise Medal of Valor Scientology

  Alanzosblog is currently accepting nominations for the Tom Cruise Award for the most fervent & fanatical Anti-Scientologist! Qualified Anti-Scientologists must be fiercely committed, intensely militant & thoroughly tribal. They must be uncorrupted by critical self-reflection & self-examination. They must be driven, their nostrils flaring. Some examples of the initial nominees include: John McGhee – … Read more