lambs to slaughter

Sacred Cows + Siege Mentality = Sheeple

Sheeple. An actual mathematical formula for them. I’m not kidding. I think Carl Sagan wrote about it once: Ask Neil Degrasse Tyson. It describes a fundamental property of all human groups: not just Scientists and … Read more

the thinker's toolkit by morgan jones

Hypothesis Testing

There’s a really good book, written by a former CIA analyst, called “The Thinker’s Toolkit”. This book contains 14 tools of structured analysis which can be used to help you figure things out. A structured … Read more

going clear wins three emmys

The Reich is Askew

The Reich is askew, yawing badly. All but the most delusional have abandoned ship. The Dwarfenführur launders his own soiled underwear today.

debbie cook holding emeter cans

Discussion: The Limits of Science

1. Science is limited to what can be tested. 2. Do things exist which can not be tested? Examine Number 1 above. – Tell us whether it’s true. Ask yourself Number 2 above. – Tell … Read more

thinking with scientology is a trap

Scientology is a Trap

Alanzo on August 29, 2015 at 8:41 pm said: I think the discussion here is interesting, but as long as you are using Scientology to think with, you will never get out of its trap. … Read more

john mcghee exposing scientology

Exposing Scientology: How To Do It Right

Exposing Scientology is a finely honed skill. John McGhee knows how to inoculate society from the toxic spiritual deception and totalitarian paramilitary fanaticism of Scientology. Here he gives a master class in exactly how it … Read more