Another Ex-Scientologist Quits Tony Ortega’s Underground Bunker
It is the influence of the Anti-Cult Movement that is causing this worst possible trap to get stuck in after leaving a religious or spiritual pursuit like Scientology.
Critical Thinking on Cults & AntiCults
It is the influence of the Anti-Cult Movement that is causing this worst possible trap to get stuck in after leaving a religious or spiritual pursuit like Scientology.
Why have Tony Ortega’s followers, such as Chris Shelton, flipped from not trusting psych’s at all to now never questioning anything they say or do?
Mike Jones, who is not missing and who does not wish to leave the Sea Org, does not want anything to do with his parents, and he has the absolute right not to communicate with them.
I know it’s the height of heresy for me to bring this up. But a little heresy never hurt anyone – especially if you really want to see justice accomplished with Scientology.
The question is, will Rachel Bernstein stick around ESMB and actually post something that is not in her own commercial interests?
Michelle Ryan experienced the worst Scientology Fair Game I’ve ever seen anyone experience, and her demeanor and decision-making changed drastically after that.
And you look at John Sweeney today. And you wonder – did all that intelligence work make him start drinking heavily, and eventually lose his mind?
Anti-Scientologists reduce their own cognitive dissonance the same way Scientologists do – by remaining blind to what they say and do to their “enemies”.
ALANZO COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Cornfield Manor, Cornfield, Illinois ACO POLICY LETTER OF 9 NOVEMBER 2014 Remimeo CENSORSHIP POLICY All off-topic and personally insulting comments, and all ad-hominem attacks, will be disposed of quietly and without sorrow. Any viewpoint on Scientology, L Ron Hubbard, David Miscavige, or cults, philosophies, and religions in general, will not be censored … Read more
The end of Scientology abuse will come though many different routes, but it is clear now that it must mostly come from Independent Scientologists themselves.
If that question hurt your brain, then you can see that this skepticism thing can go too far. But there is a sweet spot to Confirmation Bias.
Could this righteous fight that we’ve all engaged in regarding Scientology, for all these years, have only been because we felt guilty and needed to re-establish our own moral identity after finding out how abusive Scientology had been?
Tony’s single hypothesis, which he’s riding like a little hobby horse in a futile attempt to herd Ex-Scientologists thinking (Ex-Scientologists who know more about Scientology than Tony Ortega and Ray Jeffrey ever will) has holes as big as the open range.
I am eternally grateful to Rathbun & Rinder for what they’ve done. They’ve paid their “debt” for any wrongdoing. What their life must have been like. I wouldn’t trade places. Would you?
“The ‘re-creation’ was in fact a creation,” Rathbun wrote on his blog in September.
AlanzosBlog: Be Loyal to the Truth and Not to Any Person or Group
…”those who speculated that Rathbun had secretly settled will be feeling justifiably smug today”. – Tony Ortega Underground Bunker posters “8675309” and “Peacemaker” asked some important questions in the Underground Bunker a couple of days ago which I believe shed some well-deserved skepticism on Ortega’s smugness campaign against Mark and Monique Rathbun since April of … Read more