Anthony RR Mills Gives Alanzo Short Shrift Over Mike Rinder
I answered a poll that Anthony RR Mills created on his youtube channel, and I wrote a comment in response to this. Anthony answered my comment. This is my response to him.
Critical Thinking on Cults & AntiCults
I answered a poll that Anthony RR Mills created on his youtube channel, and I wrote a comment in response to this. Anthony answered my comment. This is my response to him.
In a federal criminal trial that, believe it or not, had a huge impact on the landscape of Anti-Scientology vs Scientology, the 1 surviving owner of, and Tony Ortega’s old boss, was convicted of one count of money laundering while the jury deadlocked on 84 other counts – mostly involving sex trafficking. The clue … Read more
Nora Ames from her Oh No Nora Youtube Channel details her views on Zero Dark Tony, who has – no doubt – been completely sadistic and cruel to her, and to Vanessa La Rose. His kind of cruelty is just beyond comprehension to me. I’ve spoken to Tony on the phone and personally slammed him … Read more
Gerry Armstrong details the emails he has received from an anonymous person signaling that his Scientology FairGaming continues, ongoing now for 45 years. Where is the hero Mike Rinder? NOWHERE.
In this video, Mike Rinder omits vital information for understanding the history of Scientology Fair Game. And Leah Remini, for her own self-serving reasons, let’s him do it.
An Online Poll Was Conducted asking if Mike Rinder has redeemed himself. Now 77% of respondents say NO.
Apparently, Karen de la Carriere and Jeffrey Augustine have a history of purchasing Scientology critic properties on the Internet and shutting them down. This is first in a series.
One of the most illuminating – and frustrating – things about Celebrity Anti-Scientology is its information control, who and what you can and can’t talk about. Corey Andrews wants to talk about Kyle Brennan.
Now that Aaron Smith Levin is no longer friends with Mike Rinder, will the light between them bring more objectivity and intellectual honesty to his Youtube Channel? Here’s hoping that it does.
Aaron Smith Levin goes into detail about the woman he ‘hooked up’ with for 3 nights in LA. He names her, calls her crazy, and makes claims about her institutional history. He cites how Leah Remini called her crazy, too. Nice. No wonder he’s not on the board of a charitable foundation any more.
Anti-Scientologists who were never in Scientology have a long row to hoe if they hope to be accurate in their criticisms of Scientology. I provide the lessons you need here at AlanzosBlog.
Radical Transparency is a concept Aaron Smith Levin learned in a business book he once read. He BLASTS it to the stars in this wide-ranging interview where he appears to answer all questions anyone could possibly have.
Two legendary old guard critics, who remain mostly quiet these days, comment on Mike Rinder, Aaron Smith Levin and the Aftermath Foundation.
The Miss Bloody Butt Incident from 1995 against the late Scientology critic Tom Klemesrud reminds us what Scientology Fair Game is really all about, before it was outsourced.
14 pieces of evidence wiped clean of blood & fingerprints. Multiple lies by Miscavige & the police. Kyle’s computer wiped clean. Yet Aaron says it’s a suicide.
The Aftermath Foundation President Claire Headley delivered a statement on 22 November 2023 detailing the events that and decision-making that led to the firing of Aaron Smith-Levin.