Alarming Rhetoric on Mike Rinder’s Blog
Yesterday, Mike Rinder wrote a post that he hoped would whip all his commenters up into a lather against Scientologists in the entertainment industry.
Critical Thinking on Cults & AntiCults
Mike Rinder is sometimes described as a “former Church spokesman” by journalists who don’t want to discredit him as one of their sources. But the truth is that Mike Rinder was the Commanding Officer of the Office of Special Affairs under David Miscavige for 22 years.
He ran ALL of the fair game activities for Scientology, suppressed all the pedophile and sexual “flaps”, ran all the attorneys who drew up all the draconian contracts that are used to abuse Scientologists legally, and has never revealed one crime committed in the entire time he has been out of Scientology – 16 years now.
This is a collection of posts which reveal some of the things that Mike Rinder did as the head of OSA, and some of the things he has still not revealed about himself and his old boss, David Miscavige.
Yesterday, Mike Rinder wrote a post that he hoped would whip all his commenters up into a lather against Scientologists in the entertainment industry.
Mike Rinder: “I did the original program to find “religious experts” who would write “expertises” on the subject of scientology. Every single one of them was paid for their “work,” though that fact was not made public.’
Mike Rinder Anti-Scientology vs. Mike Rinder Scientology: a great real life example of what happens when your friends and your group are more important than the truth.
If Leah Remini really wanted a federal investigation, she’d present evidence of illegal activity – something, anything, the feds can actually use.
Question for Leah Remini – How will blaming a Scientology mother for her daughter’s suicide bring about a federal investigation?
In your war against your former religion, have you lost all of your humanity? Stick to the abuses, Mike. Uncover the crimes – for once.
On Episode 2 of Scientology and the Aftermath, we are taken through the tragic story of Taylor Tweed’s suicide. We are shown the “handlings” that Taylor’s mom tried to perform to try to “get Taylor’s … Read more
When I got out of Scientology and began exposing them on the Internet 19 years ago, it was because I had discovered how cruel that the leadership in the Church of Scientology had been to … Read more
I would think that anybody who has ever been through Scientology would be the last group of people to fall for such ham-handed propaganda.
As everyone should know by now, the biggest Scientology Super Power is its legal firm. And in the wake of the crushing defeat of the Garcia case, one should begin to question some of the … Read more
Now that we are 5 episodes into Season 2, what happened to that FBI investigation they met with the attorneys over at the end of Season 1?
Mike Rinder should use Season 2 of Scientology and The Aftermath to provide a Truth and Reconciliation commission on the people he has fair-gamed as the head of OSA.
And they deserve closure. No person who is loyal and sycophantic to those who refuse to provide the information necessary to help people who have been harmed by Scientology are likely to be a credible … Read more
Sunny Pereira, like a good Tribal member, instead of struggling to tell the truth about Scientology, hides what she did as a top tech terminal at Celebrity Centre.
The main thing wrong with Scientology is that you might end up disconnecting from someone in your family? After all this time, is that all we’ve got?
The Great Scientology Dissipation will continue. From the Church of Scientology to Indie Scientology to Anti-Scientology to Post Ex-Scientology, the continuing diaspora will disperse and evaporate at ever-diminishing intensities. Still no criminal activity will be … Read more
1.043 million viewers tuned in to see Season 2, Episode 7 of Leah Remini’s Scientology and the Aftermath on the A&E Network at 10pm on Tuesday night, per TV BY the Numbers.
I left the Church of Scientology in 2000, and have been doing what I can to warn the public about the lies and abuse that L. Ron Hubbard and the executives of the Church of … Read more
When they get on Leah’s show, they seem to really need to milk it. And they cry and they get bewildered and then Leah cries and they all hug and blame the brainwashing.