Here’s What Makes a Scientologist Stupid

2 Stupid Scientologists

I wrote this after dealing with a swarm of Scientologists on the Internet: I’ve seen it now. It is unmistakable. It works like this: You present an idea that has NOTHING to do with Scientology, and the Scientologist must relate it to something in Scientology to “understand” what you are talking about. Example: I wrote … Read more

People Who Have Been Harmed By Scientology Deserve Justice

Mark Rathbun and Mike Rinder Scientology

And they deserve closure. No person who is loyal and sycophantic to those who refuse to provide the information necessary to help people who have been harmed by Scientology are likely to be a credible journalistic source for those scrambling to make a buck at Scientology reporting. That’s a long sentence, but if you read … Read more

Marty Rathbun’s Blind Spots on L Ron Hubbard and Scientology

Mark Rathbun and His LRH Library 2012

The sooner you take the blind spots off of your view of L Ron Hubbard and his spiritual deception called Scientology, the better off you are. It’s like removing a band aid, or getting your privates waxed – do it fast, scream loudly, and start running. After reading Marty’s book this morning, I can see that … Read more

Scientology & Mimicry

Coral snakes and their less venomous mimicries

The first book I purchased at a Scientology Mission was “Hymn of Asia”. And that is because it was the first book on Scientology offered to me at the mission to buy. They offered it to me because I told them that I was interested in and studying Buddhism. I was told that Scientology is … Read more

Marty Rathbun & Mike Rinder Need to Come Fully Clean

I left the Church of Scientology in 2000, and have been doing what I can to warn the public about the lies and abuse that L. Ron Hubbard and the executives of the Church of Scientology have been waging against spiritual seekers who came to Scientology and trusted it as their chosen religion. From their … Read more

Dead Agent Post Mortem: Why Did David Miscavige Burn Marty Rathbun?

dead agent

“Knowledge of the enemy’s dispositions can only be obtained from other men. Hence the use of spies, of whom there are five classes: (1) Local spies; (2) inward spies; (3) converted spies; (4) doomed spies; (5) surviving spies. When these five kinds of spy are all at work, none can discover the secret system. This … Read more

Scientology Finally Makes the Cover of People Magazine!

Leah Remini: May Escape From Scientology

It is the goal of every Scientology Celebrity to get Scientology onto the cover of People Magazine. Leah Remini has now done it. This is an interview with the journalist who spoke to Leah for People Magazine. If you’ve never purchased a copy of People Magazine, now is the time.

The Best Book on Scientology: John Sweeney’s “Church of Fear”

John Sweeney's Church of Fear

Of all the books that have been written about Scientology, if you had only one shot to communicate to someone what Scientology was all about, I would give them John Sweeney’s “Church of Fear”.

Is Scientology’s Sea Organization Really A “Clergy”?

Is the Sea Org Really The Clergy of Scientology

At around the 1:30 mark you can see pulitzer Prize winning journalist, Lawrence Wright, call Scientology’s Sea Organization “The Clergy” in Scientology. This is just one time when both of these excellent journalists called Scientology’s Sea Organization, a “clergy” or “priesthood”. It was part of their messaging when they promoted “Going Clear” in many interviews … Read more

Here’s What a Scientology World Would Look Like

A Scientology World

A Scientology World would look just like this: They would be able to dictate every book that you could read, every movie that you could watch, and every thought that you could think. The Hollywood Reporter, 9/18/2015: Florida Theater Drops Scientology Film ‘Going Clear’ After Pressure From Church “Clearwater, Florida is home of the world … Read more

Mike Rinder’s Bean Theory of Truth & Reconciliation With Old Guard Scientology Critics

I tweeted this out today. For 8 yrs, @MikeRinder's operated on the #Scientology Bean Theory of Truth & Reconciliation:For every bean I spend, I get more in return. — Alanzo (@AlanzosBlog) March 29, 2017 It's time for @MikeRinder to stop spending beans, and to start spilling them. Address the Old Guard #scientology critics you have … Read more

Gerry Armstrong’s Open Letter to Jon Atack Regarding Chris Shelton

Gerry Armstrong on Jon Atack and Chris Shelton

Gerry has an interesting viewpoint on Jon Atack and Chris Shelton’s allegiance and mutual promotional efforts of each other. ” I do not mean that Mr. Shelton’s arrogance or narcissism is a concern to him, but should be a concern to people who might look to him for guidance or tout his humility. Perhaps you … Read more