Leah Remini’s Scientology and the Aftermath Has Still Presented No Evidence of Criminal Activity by the Church of Scientology

Leah Remini's Scientology and the Aftermath

Last night’s episode of Leah Remini’s Scientology and the Aftermath was a round table discussion of former Scientologists, and independent Scientologists, exposing the upper levels of Scientology so that people can make more informed decisions about their involvement. For that reason, it was a very valuable episode. And Tony Ortega has gotten people who have … Read more

Pounding the Intellectual Honesty Out of Aaron Smith-Levin

Aaron Smith Levin

I recorded my thoughts on the treatment I observed Aaron Smith-Levin getting from his Anti-Scientologist friends. From the ideologue Chris Shelton, to Tony Ortega’s demagoguery, to Leah Remini’s need to create a moral panic around Scientology – can Aaron’s intellectual honesty survive?

5 Questions Mike & Leah Won’t Answer on The Fair Game Podcast

Mike Rinder Leah Remini FairGame Podcast

Mike Rinder & Leah Remini pretend to answer the tough questions about Scientology on their Fair Game Podcast. Here are the questions they will never allow.

Clear Bias: Tony Ortega’s Reporting on Danny Masterson Vs Paul Haggis

Danny Masterson vs Paul Haggis

Tony Ortega writes a blog post with a clear bias against Scientology every day, sometimes more than one. And so it really is tiresome for me to be talking about Tony Ortega’s bias against Scientology every day, but the latest accusations of rape against Paul Haggis, a recent poster boy for anti-Scientology, show Tony Ortega’s … Read more

Mike Rinder’s Upcoming Book Will Define Him

Cover of Mike Rinder's Book

Will Mike’s New Book Lead Us To Where All the Bodies Are Buried, Finally Making Change to Scientology? Or Will it Just Be More of the Same MilqueToast Blather?