A Way That Marty, Mike & Dave Have Always Controlled Anti-Scientology Activism

David Miscavige Marty Rathbun Mike Rinder

Activists, almost by definition, run on emotion. Emotional people are easily manipulated. I’ve watched anti-Scientology Activism marched straight into brick walls for 25 years. Let’s end that, shall we?

THE SERGE DEL MAR EFFECT: What in the AF Has Everyone Been Thinking???

Serge Del Mar

Serge Del Mar has got me in a lather. After all these years being beaten down as an “OSA Agent” by all of these peoples’ flying cradlers & monkey canoodlers, Serge has rekindled my purpose.

Toddie1Skip Wants to Know What Makes People Value Scientology


She has a curious and insightful mind, and appears to be trying to understand Scientology with the data that is available to her through anti-Scientology activists. If that is all she has, she will never be able to get her answer. Here’s her video: Here’s my response to her: I’m going to make a point … Read more

Great Comments From the Post-Scientology Internet: The Change in Mike Rinder


NOTE: This post was originally compiled by me in 2015. I am reissuing it today because it sheds light on the advancement, and then decline, in Mike Rinder’s willingness to tell the truth, and to give his victims the information they need to undo the damage that he and Marty Rathbun and David Miscavige have … Read more

Dianne Etex Lays Out What Happens To An Ex When They Expose Scientology’s Criminally Indictable Acts

Dianne Etex, Leah Remini, Mike Rinder

Dianne Etex speaks about her own experience when, as an Ex-Scientologist, she exposes criminally indictable acts that Mike Rinder has covered up for Scientology

Did Twin Peaks lady who “saw Shelly” LIE to TONY ORTEGA? by Angry Gay Pope

agp and nasty nathanial twin peaks 2017 lowres

NOTE: This post was first written in September of 2017. I am reposting it now because the information control in anti-Scientology has only gotten worse. This report from Angry Gay Pope also exposes the “Where’s Shelly?” hoax and Ortega’s collusion with Rinder & Remini in it. It also raises questions about whether Andreas was in … Read more

After 10 Years in Anti-Scientology, Chris Shelton is Rage-Quitting On Us All

chris shelton

Chris Shelton wants us to look at his content to see what kind of person he is. Let’s look at that time when he trashed Steven Mango for Karen de la Carriere.