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Jason Horvatic describes himself:
Arts undergrad and creator of philosophicalesque stuff; raised in that thing called Scientology.
I wrote my first book—an experiential overview of Scientology’s not-often-talked-about basic philosophy—a while ago. You can read about my continuing interest in postscientology philosophy here or see my youtube.
I also have a pre-philosophy children’s picture book (see contents), plus an original work of creative philosophy.
If you would like to support my planned doctorate to accurately describe Scientology philosophy, please purchase one of my books. Otherwise, check out my short blog.
Watch this video to see his request:
Here’s the comment I left for him:
There absolutely should be space for intellectual discussions of Scientology and minority religions. But the majority of people in this space are over-emotional anticult activists who must weaponize their over-simplicities to recruit others into their emotionally manipulative moral panic.
You also get a lot of Christians and Atheists and Jews – Ideologues – who view minority religions (“cults”) through their own religious and ideological lenses.
There are a lot of people who are out to beat up other people who believe differently than they do. “Cults” are presently an area they can be as sociopathic as they want without any kind of social cost. They used to hang out beating up on minority races with impunity, but that’s been shut off to them.
So now it’s religious minorities, or “cults”.
I know exactly what you are talking about “going to bed with youtube comments in your mind, and waking up with them still playing”. The same thing happened to me.
You have entered the war of “Cults vs AntiCults”.
So chin up. Grow a tougher skin. You are just going to have to.
You have entered the fray.
Fight like hell!
I’ll help.
– Alanzo
Not going to bother watching a 40 minutes video to find out his request.
Rather than trying to force himself into an established community to promote his alternative views, he should start his own community. Youtube communities don’t like outsiders coming in and telling them how to do it better. He can just go do it better and build his own audience somewhere else.
I think people are just suspicious when we get all these social worker-types crawling out of the woodwork thinking their intellectual take is what we need to hear.
In Jason’s book, targeted at children, he considers how we got here, and his first suggestion is that “someone very special” created us. I don’t consider him to be genuine.
It’s interesting that you wrote about protesting as soon as the protests starting gaining a bit of traction, if you can consider 5 people outside 1 building ‘traction’.
Perhaps time would be better spent exposing the crimes and hypocrisy of Miscavige, Rinder, Headley and the like, before targeting protestors? I mean if your focus is on exposing cults, then targeting protestors who are a bit loud or use naughty words or mess up the sidewalk really shouldn’t be in your line of sight.
Anyway, there seems to be a code of silence amongst ex-members, and the audience has very little interest in going against this narrative.
The fact that the audience for this stuff are mostly Christians who believe in a religion that’s as batshit crazy as Scientology gives me little hope that they’ll succeed in anything other than bringing “fame and riches” to their favorite ex-Scientology Youtubers.
John P wrote:
“Perhaps time would be better spent exposing the crimes and hypocrisy of Miscavige, Rinder, Headley and the like, before targeting protestors? I mean if your focus is on exposing cults, then targeting protestors who are a bit loud or use naughty words or mess up the sidewalk really shouldn’t be in your line of sight.”
I don’t know if you’ve clicked on any of the tags I have along the left side of this website, but you’ll see that I have exposed the hypocrisy and criminality of Miscavige, Rinder (but not so much) Headley for more than a decade on this blog, and more than two decades elsewhere on the Internet.
And I don’t just expose “cults” these days. I also expose anticults.
I do recognize that code of silence you mention, and have always tried to break that code where the information being hidden limits informed decision-making.
I also recognize and agree that the audience against “cults” are mostly Christian ideologues who are going after “cults” per their own Judeao-Christian-Islamic ideology. Social scientists who study cults and anticults call these people “counter-cultists”. They make up the majority of the anticult movement.
I think a person who knows nothing about ethnocentrism, and who approaches those who believe differently in an intolerant and chauvinistic way, should also be fought just as hard as “cults”.
In fact, I believe they should be fought harder: In a free society, intolerance should not be tolerated.
Thanks for your comment.