The Worst Thing You Can Do To Yourself As An Ex-Scientologist

People need simplistic explanations for Scientology because it’s too much work to understand it. They just want Scientology to be a cult & Hubbard to be a con man because it’s easier to think with that way. Even an Ex-Scientologist can go through a period where this is what they want.

In the long run, that’s never going to work. So even though this need for simplistic understandings is understandable, in the end, it will never do what you need it to do.

But even this is not the worst thing you can do to yourself as an Ex-Scientologist.


So this is about how inadequate the anti-Scientology ideology is to understand the things that we see in Scientology watching. Just as the Scientology ideology was inadequate to handle large sections of life, the anti Scientology ideology is too.

There’s there’s a lot of parts to this and I could go on and on about it.

Cults Use “Mind Control” and “Brainwashing”

There’s, you know, first of all “cults”. It’s not a minority religion. It’s a cult. It’s not a fierce tribe, fierce and harsh tribe. It’s a very specific thing: It’s a cult. They use mind control and brainwashing. And mind control and brainwashing are of course, choice denying, choice annihilating mechanisms. So therefore, the people who are Scientologists are Scientologists because they’re brainwashed to be that way.

Well, you know, actually that’s not true. They they made a choice and every morning they get up and they make that same choice every day – to remain a Scientologist. The degree that you want to deny that person his own power of choice is the degree to which you would like to dehumanize him. Because it is the power of choice that makes people human. It’s what we say, gives them agency. It’s the basis of all law and rights and civil rights.

If a person was in a car accident and has brain damage, then they’re not capable of making their own choices anymore. So we recognize that state and we assign them a minder. Just like Tony Ortega is always saying that Shelly Miscavige was seen with a minder, right? So again, this is making the point that Scientologists don’t have a power of choice.

So I’m not saying that that that’s just part of this part of the anti Scientology ideology, okay? And that’s inadequate to understanding Scientologists. It’s not adequate. You will not be able to see what you’re looking at if you use that viewpoint. If you use the Brainwashing & Mind Control viewpoint, then you believe that their ability to make a choice for themselves has been annihilated, and that they’re not.

It’s not that you believe they’re mistaken. It’s you believe they’re an actual robot less than human who is unable to be responsible for his own choices. That’s what you think. And that again, is not adequate to understand Scientologists.

A great example. The best example is Elisabeth Moss. Loyal Scientologists, brilliant actress. brilliant artist. Yet a loyal Scientology so just Elisabeth Moss not have the power of choice? Does she really, you know, she doesn’t get up every morning and decide to be a Scientologist, is she brainwashed?

See that that is just that’s the point where maybe you can see that the anti Scientology ideology is inadequate to understand somebody, like, understand the Scientologists like Elisabeth Moss. I would submit to you that you won’t be able to understand any Scientologist, let alone Elisabeth Moss, believing that they’re not choosing to be Scientologists every single day, consciously choosing – self aware power of choice.

Every day.

If you look at a Scientologist that way, then your understanding of Scientologists changes. All kinds of stuff starts to collapse on you, if you have adopted this anti Scientology ideology. You can’t have that viewpoint about Scientology and Scientologists anymore.

As an Ex-Scientologist Embrace Both Scientology and Anti-Scientology

I invite you to try it. I invite you to embrace both anti Scientology and Scientology viewpoints and process both. Do not occlude – if you’re an Ex-Scientologist, and spent many years in Scientology. The worst thing you can do to yourself is to say, I wasted 30 years of my life or 20 years of my life. What you’re doing there is that you are occluding that whole part of your life from yourself. You are walling it off by saying that.

I submit that it is a lie that you’re telling yourself about your time as a Scientologist. I believe that if you examine that area with less of a ideological viewpoint, anti Scientology ideological viewpoint, then you would see more about yourself, and you would win a whole bunch of treasure about yourself. If you simply quit looking at your time as a Scientologist through the ideology of being an anti Scientologist, If you just drop that and look at it without fear or favor, just examining there’s treasure there for an ex Scientologists.

So again, the anti Scientology ideology is not adequate to understand things in a way that is workable even, I was gonna say constructive but again, you’re looking at things through a little slit when you should be seeing a you know, big, wide open door, walk in the door and look at it. That’s the way it should be. Not through little slits of ideological things. You made that mistake as Scientologists don’t make it again as an anti Scientologist. It’s not adequate for you to understand your own past, who you were, what you thought about what you were trying to do.

Those are… you can’t forget that about yourself. Or if you if you re define it you’re redefining it in the worst possible ways why? There has to be a very good reason for that. Now, if you were completely abusive, and you you harmed all kinds of people then I can see why you would wall that part of yourself off. But the overwhelming majority of Scientologists didn’t ever hurt anyone and never would. Most exes are those people, but when they become anti is the wall this off from themselves. They don’t recognize who they used to be anymore because the anti Scientology ideology doesn’t work. It’s it’s flimsy. It’s cartoonish. You can’t understand things adequately, if you look at them in a cartoonish way.

So I think this is the biggest mistake that an Ex makes, okay, it can be sometimes spent as an anti Scientologist sometimes spent as that can be therapeutic in itself because you’re, you’re like, “Okay, I was totally forced Pro for so many years that I’m gonna be totally forced Anti. Okay, I can see where that process would would would produce you know, some kind of game for you. But there’s, there’s an end to that process. Okay. That process is not an unlimited process. There’s a point where that should end off, that process should end off and you should start stepping back and looking at both objectively

Do your very best to look at both objectively. And I think that that is the solution, okay, for an Ex. You have to get to that point. You can’t dive into anti Scientology and then stay there. You can’t. If you you talk about wasting your life. Okay, that’s wasting your life.

Over and out.

31 thoughts on “The Worst Thing You Can Do To Yourself As An Ex-Scientologist”

      • Laughter – true. I’ve only been blogging two years and that’s the first time I saw a message like that when trying to get on a website. I thought it applied to me personally. Here are a couple of thoughts that went through my head.

        What did I do!?
        I’m being unjustly accused!
        Maybe he’s banning me for things I said on Alanzo’s blog.
        Did someone get my IP address?
        Who’s third partying me!?

        I need to retread “Clear”. I got restimulated!

        Someone asked Mike if he thought OSA was responsible for the hack. He replied, “Of course. Who else would be motivated to do it?”

        Someone else apologetically admitted they got bored while the website was down and went over and looked at Alanzo’s blog. Someone scolded him for that.

        In the good old days there was the saying “If it isn’t fun it isn’t Scientology.” In the above circumstance that still applies.

  1. I’m getting a “403 Forbidden” message when I try to go on Mike Rinder’s blog. I wonder what’s up with that. I’ve posted some general conversation comments there over the last month which went through and no hostile comments. I still find some interesting comments there, or at least I did. Oh well. Maybe it’s just an internet mystery.

  2. It’s true that many anti’s go on about how Scientologists are brainwashed and “Ronbots” – but others take a very unsypathetic view of them and say how stupid they must be, or how “willifully ignorant” they are about the abuses and other outpoints. They (the anti’s) seem to want it both ways – that Scientologists are completely at effect and that they are aware of what’s going on but refuse to be honest about it. Maybe some of them hold both views as their own cognitive dissonance.

    Btw, Alanzo, you seem to be as good at relatively extemporaneous (I assume) speaking as you are at writing – although you haven’t done nearly as much of it, as far as I know. These recordings were a great idea.

  3. yes Alanzo, the power of choice is what makes us, or does it? It depends.

    What sits behind the power of choice is rhetoric, which Hubbard used to get us to become a scientologist.

    What sits behind one getting out of scientology is rhetoric as well.

    But if we break down rhetoric to pathos, ethos and logos, why hubbard used all 3 means, and getting out requires the same. Funny how that is?

    So, are us ex scientologists just supposed to move on up and not tell of our experiences?

    • Stepping back and trying to look at Scientology and anti-Scientology objectively, and not through any ideological filters, is not meant to limit one’s freedom of speech.

      But you can do that to yourself if you want.

      In fact, if you would like to start self-censoring yourself I’m sure many people would be grateful. 🙂

        • I know.

          You’re here as part of the ESMB delegation. Kind of like the North Korean ambassador to the United Nations ( 🙂 ). We have other delegates from other parts of the world too, like the Underground Bunker. We have Indies and I’ll bet even a few Churchies. We have Ex-JWs and Never-ins. Even The Psychs are very well represented here.

          What we need, and what I’ve always wanted, was someone like Karin Pouw or Tommy Davis. An overt, rather than covert, representative of the Church to present cogent, rational arguments for the Church’s positions on things. I think that would be very valuable.

          I swear that as the Chief Moderator I would hold back the wolves and let a Church LRH PRO speak unharmed. And I’m sure everyone here would be as diplomatic as possible, as well.

          I don’t know where I learned this, but I always thought that conditions were improved by more communication, not less.

    • Thank you, Eileen.

      I asked myself this morning, what is the main thing I’ve been trying to say for the last two years?

      What did I learn that I think might be valuable to other people who, like me, have come through Scientology after spending a significant part of their lives in it?

      • I think the point you have been making, that we don’t have to repudiate entire decades of our lives, is essential. Every experience matters. The idea that a person can recognize the good while also recognizing the bad is profound.
        In that way you really are stepping ahead of the pro and anti Scientology scene.

        • Thank you very much for that, Eileen.

          Most people who get out of Scientology never get into the “pro vs anti” scene. Scientology was never a big enough part of their self-identity that it mattered enough. They just moved on.

          But Scientology was so life-changing for me when I first got involved, that I did make it a big part of my self-identity. And so when I found out about the incredible insanity at Int Base, and Hubbard’s true bio, I got out and made protesting it and being an anti-Scientologist a large part of my self identity too.

          I’m not the only one who did this.

          • And that part of your identity (the protesting shit stirring part) is also important.
            It is an amazing feeling to step outside the stories we tell ourselves about our life, and just see the sweeping arc, fading back to the distant past and sweeping ahead to who knows where? It’s got me thinking about some changes I need to make, some labels I have grown too attached to. I wonder what I could do if I let them go?


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