Gerry Armstrong Doesn’t Need an Apology – He Wants the Truth From Mike Rinder

Gerry Armstrong Mike Rinder

Gerry Armstrong & Mike Rinder have a long history. Gerry thinks it’s time for Mike Rinder to come clean about all the OSA Fair Game Operations he ran against him and all the other critics of Scientology when Mike Rinder ran the dirty tricks arm of the Church of Scientology.

Will Marty Rathbun Finally Reveal What Mike Rinder Did As CO OSA?

Marty Rathbun Mike Rinder

One of the murkiest swamps in the world is Mike Rinder’s career timeline. There has been a concerted effort to obfuscate the facts about where Rinder was and what he did for David Miscavige as the Commanding Officer of the Office of Special Affairs for 22 years.

Can Mike Rinder Blame the ‘Brainwashing’ For What He Did as the Head of OSA?

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In a Facebook Group called Scientology Deprogramming, which is made up of lots of Exes and long time critics of Scientology who think for themselves, I have not been able to find one tribal ninnie in it. Here are some important postings from it.

Paul Haggis Begins “Noisy Investigation” of Publicist Who Accused Him of Rape

paul haggis scientology

Paul Haggis rape allegations continue to play out in the courts with very little hitting the media. Page Six reported last week that “He’s trying to track down her friends and old roommates and asking them every question under the sun: whether she is financially responsible, hangs out with seedy characters, does drugs, or just … Read more

Mike Rinder’s Speech on Why Scientology is a Religion

Mike Rinder Scientology

In 2011, Mike Rinder traveled to Trinity College in Ireland to debate why Scientology is a religion. I mean if he traveled all the way there to say this – he must have meant it – right? His co-star Leah Remini, after being a Scientologist for 34 years, now says Scientology is not a religion. … Read more

Cathy Tweed, Taylor Tweed’s Mother Speaks About Leah Remini’s Scientology and the Aftermath

Cathy Tweed Regarding Her Daughter

This is Taylor Tweed’s mother and brother speaking out about how they feel about Taylor’s suicide being featured on A&E’s Scientology and the Aftermath. I think A&E should interview Cathy Tweed – and give her time on their network after what has been done to her. Cathy Tweed speaks. And she deserves to be heard. … Read more

Was Mike Rinder Just a Former Spokesman for the Church of Scientology?

Mike Rinder Spokesman Scientology

For years, Tony Ortega has introduced Mike Rinder as his source for a quote in one of his articles as “the former International Spokesman” for the Church of Scientology. But is it true? Was that What Mike Rinder really did in Scientology? Here’s what Mike Rinder says…