UPDATE: Jeffrey Augustine’s Private Investigator License #188942
Jeffrey Augustine is a licensed Private Investigator in the State of California. He is also a “Qualified Manager” of other private investigators.
Critical Thinking on Cults & AntiCults
Jeffrey Augustine is a licensed Private Investigator in the State of California. He is also a “Qualified Manager” of other private investigators.
Jeffrey Augustine: “I’ve had secret top secret clearances in the past, and I know the annotations and indications and how to read these things, right?”
For years, Tony Ortega has introduced Mike Rinder as his source for a quote in one of his articles as “the former International Spokesman” for the Church of Scientology. But is it true? Was that What Mike Rinder really did in Scientology? Here’s what Mike Rinder says…
Jeffrey Augustine shares his beliefs about his past lives to filmmaker Jeffrey Peixoto for the eruptively insightful Scientology documentary “Over the Rainbow”.
Steven Mango presents more evidence that Karen de la Carriere and Jeffrey Augustine were running a Scientology auditing scam together, and keeping it publicly hidden. They were publicly presenting themselves as Anti-Scientologists.
In a blog post dated 27 July 2020, Marty Rathbun re-emerged to corroborate some of the experiences of Corey Andrews, Steven Mango and myself in dealing with the hyper-controlling cult-like tribalism of Celebrity Anti-Scientology.
Steven Mango got a call from a detective a couple of days ago on behalf of Karen de la Carriere & Jeffrey Augustine. The cop said that he’s been getting repeated calls from “the elderly couple” & it was annoying to him.
Only when she was caught did she “disavow” the fair game. So Karen De La Carriere has been caught lying, again. How long will anyone put up with this?
Karen de la Carriere posts Anti-Scientology info every day on the Ex-Scientologist Message Board while running her own Scientology auditing practice. Isn’t that weird?
You’d think high profile Celebrity Anti-Scientologists such as Karen de la Carriere & Jeffrey Augustine could never be running a Scientology auditing business out of their home while criticizing Scientology, but that’s exactly what Steven says.
Angry Gay Pope, Karen de la Carriere’s long time video editor, admits Karen is a practicing Scientologist. Why hasn’t Chris Shelton or Tony Ortega ever reported this?
Jeffrey and Karen Attempt to influence the Los Angeles County Sherrif’s Dept, the LA County Fire Dept, and the Los Angeles Police Department – just like Scientology does.
Mike Rinder seems to think so. In an over the top article Jeffrey Augustine makes many speculative claims that he would have no way of knowing about John Travolta.
If the Admin applied the rules of ESMBR to HelluvaHoax! & some of the other vicious cyberbullies there – would he lose needed funding to keep the board up?
Get on it, girlfriends!! Are Celebrity Anti-Scientologists exposing the crimes of Scientology? Hell no! They stopped trying to do that years ago!
Hypocrisy and fanatic cruelty and abuse go hand in hand with tribalistic thinking. Maybe it’s past time more Exes started examining that in their own tribe.