How Hubbard Lied: ReDefining “Individuation” Like It’s A Bad Thing

L Ron Hubbard on The Apollo

What if being a Scientologist was never a really a disease in the first place that you needed to “recover from”? What if it was just one part of your own much longer spiritual journey that taught you many important lessons, and from which you emerged stronger and wiser than ever?

How would you know?

How L Ron Hubbard Tricked You: Scientology and Hypnosis

Hypnotic Tunnel

Anyone who has read anything about hypnosis from a source other than L Ron Hubbard can see that auditing produces a hypnotic state and makes a Scientologist highly suggestible. Here’s a good place to start to learn about what hypnosis really is: Scientific American And here’s a good definition of the term by the American … Read more

Paul Haggis – “I’ve Seen Scientology Ruin People”

Paul Haggis

Paul Haggis, the brilliant Canadian screenwriter and director, was interviewed about his latest movie, “Third Person” as it is being released in theatres in Europe this week. Go there to read it: Telegraph UK – Paul Haggis Interview It’s an excellent interview by an admirable Ex-Scientologist. In my opinion, this is how a responsible person … Read more

Critical Thinking on Scientology & Anti-Scientology

Rae Dawn Chong Quest for Fire

I used to think that as long as I was not in the cult of Scientology, I would never fall into the unquestioning, partisan mindset I’d adopted when I was a Scientologist.

The US Government Controls All of NXIVM’s Intellectual Property

NXIVM Intellectual Property

Here’s why you can’t find any of NXIVM’s technology anywhere on the Internet – the US government now owns and controls all of it. And they aren’t releasing it to the public for independent research. Why? Is it so the claims the government has made about “brainwashing” can’t be scrutinized? [embeddoc url=”” download=”all” viewer=”browser”]

Will Marty Rathbun Finally Reveal What Mike Rinder Did As CO OSA?

Marty Rathbun Mike Rinder

One of the murkiest swamps in the world is Mike Rinder’s career timeline. There has been a concerted effort to obfuscate the facts about where Rinder was and what he did for David Miscavige as the Commanding Officer of the Office of Special Affairs for 22 years.