esmb's nurse ratchet

Can ESMB Live Up To Its Own Rules?

The majority of Ex-Scientologists today avoid posting to ESMB. They had enough mental abuse in the cult and certainly don’t need any more of it as an Ex-Scientologist on ESMB.

in defense of j gordon melton

In Defense of J Gordon Melton

I believe if an Ex-cultist is to fully graduate from his former cultic thinking and keep evolving and growing in a constructive manner after the cult, he should teach himself to listen to criticism, and carefully determine if there might be something true in it.

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The Heartbreak of an Ex-Scientologist

When you’ve spent so much of your life supporting & defending all the good you’ve experienced in Scientology and you finally become aware of the people the leaders have harmed, there’s a heartbreak that occurs … Read more

mike rinder on scientology

Mike Rinder Fully Invalidates the Subject of Scientology

Starting at exactly 47 min and 35 sec, you will hear Mike Rinder, the number 2 or 3 guy in the Church of Scientology since the 1980’s, who was “on the ship” and worked with Hubbard since the 1970’s, completely invalidate the subject of Scientology and back it up with his own personal experience.

marty and monique rathbun

Is the Take-Down of Mark & Monique Rathbun Complete?

After throwing darts in every direction, the bumbling duo of Tony Ortega and his anonymous sidekick “TexasLawyer” continue their speculation even after the last papers have been filed in the Monique Rathbun legal case, leaving … Read more

john mcghee exposing scientology

Exposing Scientology: How To Do It Right

Exposing Scientology is a finely honed skill. John McGhee knows how to inoculate society from the toxic spiritual deception and totalitarian paramilitary fanaticism of Scientology. Here he gives a master class in exactly how it … Read more

scientology victims of spiritual abuse

What Scientology Is & Why You Should Care

The Church of Scientology is a fanatic, totalitarian para-military organization whose criminality and human rights abuses are being protected by the First Amendment in the United States.