Mike Rinder Bans Commenter From His Blog For Posting Link to US Senate Investigation Into BackPage.com

Mike Rinder

Mike Rinder Anti-Scientology vs. Mike Rinder Scientology: a great real life example of what happens when your friends and your group are more important than the truth.

Has Celebrity Anti-Scientology Jumped the Shark?

brendan tighe scientology

Yesterday, up and coming celebrity anti-Scientologist Brendan Tighe was on Meghan Kelly’s chat show, where he claimed that Scarlett Johansson auditioned with the Church of Scientology to be Tom Cruise’s girlfriend. Johanssen released a statement to the magazine INSIDER regarding Brendan’s claim: This caused celebrity Anti-Scientologist Aaron Smith Levin to take to twitter this morning … Read more

Critics of Scientology Question Direction of Season 2 Scientology and the Aftermath

Scientology and the Aftermath S2E2

In your war against your former religion, have you lost all of your humanity? Stick to the abuses, Mike. Uncover the crimes – for once.

Did Mike Rinder or Leah Remini Reach Out To Cathy Tweed, Taylor’s Mom, and Try to Help Her Too?

Cathy Tweed Scientologist

On Episode 2 of Scientology and the Aftermath, we are taken through the tragic story of Taylor Tweed’s suicide. We are shown the “handlings” that Taylor’s mom tried to perform to try to “get Taylor’s ethics in”, and which now can be seen to be clearly, tragically, catastrophically, the wrong thing to do for Taylor, … Read more

Aaron Smith-Levin Calls Out Tony Ortega for Trying to Undermine Him

Aaron Smith Levin

  Is Tony Ortega is trying to undermine yet another Ex-Scientologist? Ex-Scientologists that Tony Ortega has undermined: Carmen Llewelyn  Marty and Monique Rathbun Mike Berman And now Aaron Smith-Levin And those are just the ones I’ve written about. (If there are any others, please let me know in the comments section.) They are all brave … Read more

When Anti-Scientology Turns into Cruelty Against Scientologists

cruelty to scientologists

When I got out of Scientology and began exposing them on the Internet 19 years ago, it was because I had discovered how cruel that the leadership in the Church of Scientology had been to too many people. And I realized this had to be stopped. And so, along with many others, at great risk … Read more

The Garcias Are Good People and They Deserved Justice. But Here’s Why They Didn’t Get It

Scientology super power building

As everyone should know by now, the biggest Scientology Super Power is its legal firm. And in the wake of the crushing defeat of the Garcia case, one should begin to question some of the legal advice that Ex-Scientologists have been receiving which has resulted in so many losses. A documentary from 2011 sheds light … Read more

Is Marty Rathbun Working for the Church of Scientology?

Marty and Monique Rathbun

Stubborn & persistent speculation on Marty Rathbun continues to spread like a rash. Even Academy Award winning writer/director Paul Haggis has gotten himself in on the speculation by giving us either/or scenarios which seem to prove for him that Marty Rathbun is working with David Miscavige to discredit critics of Scientology. He even went so … Read more