Chris Shelton Dishes to Reddit on Why Aaron Smith Levin Is No Longer VP Aftermath Foundation!
Chris Shelton Dishes His Gossip on the REAL REASON Aaron Smith Levin is no longer the Vice President of the Aftermath Foundation. And Reddit loves it.
Critical Thinking on Cults & AntiCults
The Anti-Scientology ideology opposes the ideology specific to Scientology with the same underlying anticult movement ideology opposing all other minority religions.
Chris Shelton Dishes His Gossip on the REAL REASON Aaron Smith Levin is no longer the Vice President of the Aftermath Foundation. And Reddit loves it.
Mark Plummer wrote: “This is the document I posted in SWOT. It is the placard from my desk.”
Will Mike’s New Book Lead Us To Where All the Bodies Are Buried, Finally Making Change to Scientology? Or Will it Just Be More of the Same MilqueToast Blather?
Mike Rinder’s Book Release is Less Then a Month Away, Squeals Rinder Apologist and Propeller-Headed Control Freak Karen de La Carriere
Lisa Marie Presley wrote a humane and heartfelt piece about her intimate experience losing her own son to suicide in People Magazine. Mike Rinder used it to sell his book.
Victoria Britton, mother of Kyle Brennan, will be releasing a book from a major publisher in the coming year.
Corey Andrews presents the back-channel conversation he had with Karen Pressley where she realizes Karen de la Carriere runs a cult.
Doug Kramer of the Dazed But Not Confuzed YouTube Channel responded to my article about how the Anticult Ideology Harms Ex-Cult Members. I was honored.
If there is such a thing, an intellectually honest anticultist should understand the arguments from social science which won in court during the deprogramming hysteria in the 70’s & 80’s.
There are a lot of things about Scientology scriptures and OT levels that we would not have access to today on the Internet without the help of Dennis Erlich.
Everyone should know the story of Gerry Armstrong. Because if it was not for Gerry Armstrong, LRH, Marty, Mike and Dave might have gotten away with the whole thing.
This is the first in a series of videos by Gerry Armstrong, the most fair-gamed person in Scientology history, to Mike Rinder.
Here are Mike Rinder’s minions planning their fair game of Monique Rathbun in their closed Facebook Group
This is the level of thought that is acceptable by those who believe in the AntiCult Movement’s ideology about minority religions. This is not critical thinking – it’s the sociological equivalent of an AntiVaxer rant.