Mike Rinder’s Upcoming Book Will Define Him

Cover of Mike Rinder's Book

Will Mike’s New Book Lead Us To Where All the Bodies Are Buried, Finally Making Change to Scientology? Or Will it Just Be More of the Same MilqueToast Blather?

I, Poopsy Carmicheal, Get Deprogrammed From Scientology on ARS in 2001

Poopsy Charmicheal

OSA had probably identified me by this time. Within 3wks my whole life would change: Followed by PIs, fired from my job, family threatened, full disconnection of all my friends & business associates – everything I had built as a Scientologist.

Steven Hassan Makes Bizarre Claim for Why Moonie Brainwashing Didn’t Work Whenever Scientists Were in the Room

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Social scientists like Eileen Barker traveled to Moonie recruitment seminars where brainwashing & mind control was claimed to be in use. They found that more than 90% of the people in those “brainwashing” seminars did not sign up to be a Moonie, and all were gone from the Moonies within 2 years.

Chris Shelton Read One Book By Social Scientists And Now He Knows All About It

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This is the level of thought that is acceptable by those who believe in the AntiCult Movement’s ideology about minority religions. This is not critical thinking – it’s the sociological equivalent of an AntiVaxer rant.