never go full retard

Part Three: Never Go Full Anti

Scientologist and Anti-Scientologist alike can not think. They are both too militantly tribal to be able to think rationally. Here’s how.

chris shelton scientology

Are All Ex-Scientologists Crazy? Chris Shelton Seems to Think So!

My point is not that there is no damage that comes from having been involved with Scientology. My point is that these assumptions must be examined critically before making these generalizations about Ex-Scientologists – and especially before adopting these assumptions for yourself as an Ex.

tony ortega's avatar

Tony Ortega & Rachel Bernstein’s Abuse of Scientologist Cathy Tweed

In my opinion, Tony Ortega’s continued use of his blog to attack Cathy Tweed very much crosses the line of ethical journalism. And Rachel Bernstein’s use of her standing as a licensed psychologist to publicly shame a mother who has lost her daughter to suicide is, quite possibly, a breach of her license.