Critical Thinking: What Percentage of Children Are 2nd Generation Scientologists?
In the same way that asking critical thinking questions can get you out of Scientology, asking critical thinking questions can get you out of Anti-Scientology, too.
Critical Thinking on Cults & AntiCults
Celebrity anti-Scientology is a hell of a drug. Presenting all your trauma, over and over to a sympathetic audience on TV can create and maintain your whole self-identity for you. And it can get you all the status & fame you desire. But is it good for you?
There is an interesting quality to logic and how the human mind uses it. Logic is used by the mind like a ladder, with one step leading to the next step, and the next, etc. If one of the steps in the ladder of logic is false, the rest of the steps after that can … Read more
For years, I thought of my own past involvement in Scientology exclusively using the ideas provided to me by the anti-cult movement. Not any more.
The Truth Rundown in Scientology tries to force Scientologists to delude themselves into believing they never saw what they saw with their own eyes.
Reza Aslan’s episode of “Believer” on CNN regarding Independent Scientology changed my life for the better. It reminded me of an approach to belief and spiritual pursuits that is positive, constructive, and life-giving.
For anyone not intimately familiar with Hubbard’s writing and the early history of Scientology, you should know that almost every word that Hoffman’s Lancaster Dodd speaks in Paul Thomas Anderson’s The Master is either a direct quote or a paraphrase from L Ron Hubbard. You should also know that the sequence of scenes in this … Read more
Independent Scientologist Haydn James, who I understand is STILL a practicing Scientologist, wrote this bit of Scientology reasoning which is a gem to behold. So I did.
Elizabeth Moss a marauding work of art. In any production, she chews up anything and everything in her path. All that’s left is the soul of the character she presents to you.
That’s why none of this has anything to do with Scientology.
The following is a compilation of scientific studies which have thoroughly debunked the idea of brainwashing.
Mike Rinder: “I did the original program to find “religious experts” who would write “expertises” on the subject of scientology. Every single one of them was paid for their “work,” though that fact was not made public.’
Scientology is rightly categorized as a gnostic religion which created a highly developed form of psychotherapy to achieve the same goals as laid out in this lecture by Professor Martin.
Mike Rinder Anti-Scientology vs. Mike Rinder Scientology: a great real life example of what happens when your friends and your group are more important than the truth.
Yesterday, up and coming celebrity anti-Scientologist Brendan Tighe was on Meghan Kelly’s chat show, where he claimed that Scarlett Johansson auditioned with the Church of Scientology to be Tom Cruise’s girlfriend. Johanssen released a statement to the magazine INSIDER regarding Brendan’s claim: This caused celebrity Anti-Scientologist Aaron Smith Levin to take to twitter this morning … Read more