India Oxenberg Interviews Her Cult Deprogrammer Diane Benscoter

India Oxenberg Diane Benscoter

India Oxenberg is a former member of NXIVM and the daughter of Catherine Oxenberg. India was the star and producer of the 4 part documentary called “SEDUCED”. In this interview, on her podcast called “Still Learning”, she discusses her deprogramming from NXIVM by her deprogrammer. They discuss the deprogramming techniques that Diane Benscoter used on … Read more

New Category of Post on AlanzosBlog – Lessons for Never Ins

Stefani Hutchinson Never In

Anti-Scientologists who were never in Scientology have a long row to hoe if they hope to be accurate in their criticisms of Scientology. I provide the lessons you need here at AlanzosBlog.

The US Government Controls All of NXIVM’s Intellectual Property

NXIVM Intellectual Property

Here’s why you can’t find any of NXIVM’s technology anywhere on the Internet – the US government now owns and controls all of it. And they aren’t releasing it to the public for independent research. Why? Is it so the claims the government has made about “brainwashing” can’t be scrutinized? [embeddoc url=”” download=”all” viewer=”browser”]