Brainwashing Theories in European Parliamentary and Administrative Reports on Cults and Sects

“Brainwashing” Theories in European Parliamentary and Administrative Reports on “Cults” and “Sects” JAMES T. RICHARDSON MASSIMO INTROVIGNE This study examines the recent rash of official reports done by governmental agencies in Western Europe to guide policy development in those societies. Particular attention is given to reports in France, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Sweden, and Italy, and … Read more

Anti-Scientologists Display Frenzied Hysteria & Dysfunctional Negativity Over CNN’s “Believer”

Reza Aslan CNN Believer

Reza Aslan’s episode of “Believer” on CNN regarding Independent Scientology changed my life for the better. It reminded me of an approach to belief and spiritual pursuits that is positive, constructive, and life-giving.

Phil & Willie Jones, Anti-Scientology Celebrities for Their Famous “Call Me” Billboards, Chose Not to Speak to Their Own Children

Scientology Disconnection Theater

Caption: Phil and Willie Jones Stand in Front of The Billboard They Claim Made Scientology Take their Adult Children Away From Them. But did it? Phil wrote this in a comment on Tony Ortega’s blog: Phil Jones wrote “At one point Scientology offered to let us have contact with our kids if we stopped doing … Read more

Paul Thomas Anderson’s The Master Revisited by an Ex-Scientologist

Paul Thomas Anderson's The Master

For anyone not intimately familiar with Hubbard’s writing and the early history of Scientology, you should know that almost every word that Hoffman’s Lancaster Dodd speaks in Paul Thomas Anderson’s The Master is either a direct quote or a paraphrase from L Ron Hubbard. You should also know that the sequence of scenes in this … Read more

Did Leah Remini Just Try to Use Her Attorney to Intimidate Irish Activist Fiona O’Leary Into Silence?

Fiona O'Leary Leah Remini

Irish Activist Fiona O’Leary says she received an intimidating phone call from Leah Remini’s attorney who, it appears, was trying to shudder the activist into silence. Wrong move – as you’ll see.

Alanzo’s Bio: In & Out of Scientology & Anti-Scientology

Alanzo Scientology

I left the Church of Scientology after 16 years, becoming an outspoken critic of them in 1999. I’ve been thinking and writing about Scientology and cults for 36 years, in and out of both. Of all the lessons I learned by escaping Scientology, then by escaping Anti-Scientology, I’ve learned one lesson harder than any other: … Read more

Mike Rinder Admits To Paying ‘Experts’ To Write About Scientology

Mike Rinder Head of OSA

Mike Rinder: “I did the original program to find “religious experts” who would write “expertises” on the subject of scientology. Every single one of them was paid for their “work,” though that fact was not made public.’