The Heartbreak of an Ex-Scientologist

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When you’ve spent so much of your life supporting & defending all the good you’ve experienced in Scientology and you finally become aware of the people the leaders have harmed, there’s a heartbreak that occurs which, in the case of too many Ex-Scientologists, is not survivable. You trusted these leaders to uphold the ideals that … Read more

Mike Rinder Fully Invalidates the Subject of Scientology

Mike Rinder on Scientology

Starting at exactly 47 min and 35 sec, you will hear Mike Rinder, the number 2 or 3 guy in the Church of Scientology since the 1980’s, who was “on the ship” and worked with Hubbard since the 1970’s, completely invalidate the subject of Scientology and back it up with his own personal experience.

Is the Take-Down of Mark & Monique Rathbun Complete?

Marty and Monique Rathbun

After throwing darts in every direction, the bumbling duo of Tony Ortega and his anonymous sidekick “TexasLawyer” continue their speculation even after the last papers have been filed in the Monique Rathbun legal case, leaving their “commenting community” just as vengeful and confused as they were before. Obviously, Monique and Marty Rathbun have not done … Read more

Congratulations to Rod Keller for Getting the Ultimate GET: Dr Eileen Barker of the London School of Economics Interviewed!

Dr Eileen Barker

This is a person who has studied minority religions all her life, and who does not take any crap from anyone. She had ‘entheta’ books on her shelf and Church of Scientologists wanted her to take them down. “No”, she told them. And while happy to have their books on her shelves, she runs her … Read more

Sacred Cows + Siege Mentality = Sheeple

Lambs to slaughter

Sheeple. An actual mathematical formula for them. I’m not kidding. I think Carl Sagan wrote about it once: Ask Neil Degrasse Tyson. It describes a fundamental property of all human groups: not just Scientists and Scientologists. As social animals, human beings set up rules, both tacit and expressed, to coordinate their efforts in pursuit of … Read more

Re-Evaluating My Wins In Scientology

Re-Evaluating My Wins in Scientology

The other day, more than 14 years after leaving Scientology, I realized that one of the biggest wins I had in Scientology might not have been as valuable as I’ve been thinking it was. In the 1980’s I was the Executive Director of the Peoria, Illinois Mission. As ED Peoria, I’d written High Crime Reports … Read more

Sara Goldberg Is a One-Woman Hurricane of Justice on HuffPost Live

Sara Goldberg on HuffPost Live

Sara Goldberg is a one-woman hurricane of justice in this very thorough interview on the abuses of Scientology on Huff Post Live. John Sweeney and Tony Ortega don’t do too badly, either. My God. We’re not in Kansas anymore, kids. I’ve never seen anything like this. Scientology is getting pummeled on multi-million viewer, multi-mainstream-media and … Read more

What Alex Gibney’s Film “Going Clear” Means to Me

This documentary by this Oscar winning filmmaker, based on a book by a Pulitzer prize winning journalist, means that the exposure of Scientology criminality and abuse has now gone mainstream, and the work of many hundreds of people has finally succeeded. No matter what they tried to do to us, Scientology could never shudder us … Read more

Dr. John Gordon Clark on Scientology Auditing

harvard medical

The best, most succinct description of Scientology auditing ever by Dr. John Gordon Clark of Harvard Medical School: “Auditing is a simple, thoroughly designed means, of concentrating the mind to the state of a controlled trance.’ “The aim and result is progressively to enforce loyalty to and identification with Scientology to the detriment of one’s … Read more

In Defense of David Miscavige

David Miscavige of the Church of Scientology

This is a post sent to me by another very smart commenter on the Post-Scientology Internet named “StatPush”. I think it provides a viewpoint on David Miscavige and the Church of Scientology that you don’t hear very often, and one that is valuable to consider. – Alanzo Note: “This article originally started out as a … Read more