Cults of Anti-Cultism by Anton Shupe et al, 1980

This is a paper written in 1980 on the AntiCult Movement, as it existed when the authors estimated when it was 10 years old. Can you see any differences in the AntiCult Movement today? _______________________________________ Cults of Anti-Cultism by Anson D. Shupe, Jr., Roger Spielmann, and Sam Stigall During the mid-to-late 1960s and early 1970s … Read more

Steven Hassan Makes Bizarre Claim for Why Moonie Brainwashing Didn’t Work Whenever Scientists Were in the Room

MG 2249

Social scientists like Eileen Barker traveled to Moonie recruitment seminars where brainwashing & mind control was claimed to be in use. They found that more than 90% of the people in those “brainwashing” seminars did not sign up to be a Moonie, and all were gone from the Moonies within 2 years.

Post Ex-Scientology

Post ex scientology

A Post-Ex has integrated the arguments, and “truths”, he made as a Scientologist with the arguments, and “truths”, he made as an Ex/Anti-Scientologist. He has seen the disconnects and the contradictions there, and repaired them. He no longer walks around with an opposite self inside him, with which he is at war.

Critical Thinking: What Percentage of Children Are 2nd Generation Scientologists?

scientology children

In the same way that asking critical thinking questions can get you out of Scientology, asking critical thinking questions can get you out of Anti-Scientology, too.

If AntiCultists Love Science So Much, Why Don’t They Use It?

Cult mind control

One of the most hysterical & unscientific beliefs of AntiCultism is that “brainwashing” & “Mind Control” are at work whenever anyone becomes a member of a “cult”.

Brainwashing Theories in European Parliamentary and Administrative Reports on Cults and Sects

“Brainwashing” Theories in European Parliamentary and Administrative Reports on “Cults” and “Sects” JAMES T. RICHARDSON MASSIMO INTROVIGNE This study examines the recent rash of official reports done by governmental agencies in Western Europe to guide policy development in those societies. Particular attention is given to reports in France, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Sweden, and Italy, and … Read more

AntiCult Brainwashing Ideology as Totalism by Dick Anthony

Anonymous Anticult Protester

“If I am correct about brainwashing ideology being a form of totalitar­ian influence, it would presumably serve the function of ministering to a polarized self-sense and curing identity confusion by enabling converts to it to shift responsibility for undesirable aspects of their person­alities and former behaviour onto a scapegoated contrast category, in this case the new religious movement of which they were formerly a member.

Brainwashing in Scientology: Switching Your Value System

Brainwashing in Scientology

The following is an exchange with a commentor on Marty Rathbun’s blog named Conan. In this exchange, I was able to clearly and simply express what I have learned that L Ron Hubbard was really up to with Scientology. I appreciate the softballs that Conan threw me which allowed me to finally knock this idea … Read more

Undercover as an Agent for the Office of Special Affairs


When I was young and dumb, I worked with OSA in Illinois. Randy Kretchmar, Carol Brookes and Mary Ann Ahmad were the Office of Special Affairs at the Chicago Org at that time. The Cult Awareness Network had not been infiltrated, taken over and destroyed by OSA yet. They were still the Church of Scientology’s … Read more

The Anti-Cult Movement

Ted Patrick Anti-Cult Movement

The “Father of Deprogramming” Ted Patrick was a devoted Christian who believed he was doing God’s work by kidnapping people & holding them in a room & browbeating them until they denounced their faith. In 1980, he served 1 year in prison and paid a $5000 fine for kidnapping and false imprisonment.

The Best Book on Scientology: John Sweeney’s “Church of Fear”

John Sweeney's Church of Fear

Of all the books that have been written about Scientology, if you had only one shot to communicate to someone what Scientology was all about, I would give them John Sweeney’s “Church of Fear”.