Larry Wollersheim Gives You the Game Plan to Destroy Scientology

Mark Fisher Larry Wollersheim

Almost no anti-scn activist these days has ever been in court against Scientology for something that would ever shut them down. None of the “2nd Gen” ex Sea Org members you watch on Youtube ever have. But Larry Wollersheim has. He won $9 million dollars from the Church of Scientology. If you are genuine and … Read more

How the Anti Cult Movement Harms Ex-Cult Members

the anti cult movement

Adopting the beliefs of the anti-cult movement dramatically changes the views and attitudes of those who experience a loss of faith. Those changes have a profound effect on how Exes make sense of their own past. So we must ask: How helpful is the ideology of the anti cult movement in making sense of your life?

A Way That Marty, Mike & Dave Have Always Controlled Anti-Scientology Activism

David Miscavige Marty Rathbun Mike Rinder

Activists, almost by definition, run on emotion. Emotional people are easily manipulated. I’ve watched anti-Scientology Activism marched straight into brick walls for 25 years. Let’s end that, shall we?

After 10 Years in Anti-Scientology, Chris Shelton is Rage-Quitting On Us All

chris shelton

Chris Shelton wants us to look at his content to see what kind of person he is. Let’s look at that time when he trashed Steven Mango for Karen de la Carriere.