John McGhee Exposing Scientology

Exposing Scientology: How To Do It Right

Exposing Scientology is a finely honed skill. John McGhee knows how to inoculate society from the toxic spiritual deception and totalitarian paramilitary fanaticism of Scientology. Here he gives a master class in exactly how it … Read more

Scientology Victims of Spiritual Abuse

What Scientology Is & Why You Should Care

The Church of Scientology is a fanatic, totalitarian para-military organization whose criminality and human rights abuses are being protected by the First Amendment in the United States.

harvard medical

Dr. John Gordon Clark on Scientology Auditing

The best, most succinct description of Scientology auditing ever by Dr. John Gordon Clark of Harvard Medical School: “Auditing is a simple, thoroughly designed means, of concentrating the mind to the state of a controlled … Read more

Scientology Organizations

How Big is Scientology – Really?

Mike Rinder posted a graphic which proves that the Church of Scientology lies to the world about their size, and the rate of their growth. They, in fact, are shrinking, while they tell the world, … Read more