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This is a great comment, in response to the Scientologists Back in Comm moderators posting an OSA Program written in 2007 to handle the “squirrels”.
“thetaclear on November 22, 2014 at 7:27 am said:
You know, the “enemies” are not only from OSA , they come from within too, from us Scientologists. OSA uses our own “disaffections” among ourselves to create conflic and the apparency of “lack of group morale” and coordinared goals.There is something I call (almost paraphrasing Rinder) “fundamentalist Scientologists” ; I was certainly one of them till recently. Here is a quote from Wikipedia defining the term :
“Fundamentalism has been defined by its leading historian as the demand for a strict adherence to certain theological doctrines, in reaction against Modernist theology. [1] The term was originally coined by its supporters to describe what they claimed were five specific classic theological beliefs of Christianity, and that developed into a Christian fundamentalist movement within the Protestant community of the United States in the early part of the 20th century. [2]
The term usually has a religious connotation indicating unwavering attachment to a set of irreducible beliefs, [3] but fundamentalism has come to be applied to a broad tendency among certain groups, mainly, although not exclusively, in religion. This tendency is most often characterized by a markedly strict literalism as applied to certain specific scriptures, dogmas, or ideologies, and a strong sense of the importance of maintaining ingroup and outgroup distinctions [4] [5] [6] [7] ,which can lead to an emphasis on purity and the desire to return to a previous ideal from which it is believed that members have begun to stray. Rejection of diversity of opinion as applied to these established “fundamentals” and their accepted interpretation within the group is often the result of this tendency.” End of quote.
These are some of the characteristics of a Fundamentalist Scientologist :
- We think that the only possible truth in existence is contained only in LRH’s texts. No other philosophy has any value for us. No other great Leader has any value to amount to anything compared to LRH.
- Anybody thinking differently from LRH is immediately labeled as a “squirrel” or at the least, as a “disaffected” Scientologist with one foot already in the “dark side”. Having a different opinion than any statements presented in any LRH issue, is immediately interpreted as M/Us being the cause , and/or “false data”.
- People manifesting BPC with any part of the subject of Scietology or LRH (I don’t mean carping unfounded, biased criticism) are only “natteries” full of M/W/Hs . Scientology is infallible as well as its founder, we think.
- We hold the ONLY route out in existence. Any other past or future roads are not to be looked at in any way, shape or form. Not to be even examined, not even read about. That’s “”mixing practices” and borders on the “squirrel”.
- We form a special “clique” of people, separted from society to a large degree, living and working mosly among us, avoiding contagion from “the wog” .
- We need a LRH ref for everything in our lives. We feel lost w/out it. We feel uncomfortable with creating knowledge. “What if we are wrong, what then ? ” , “We better stick to what is already written”.
- If we disagree with the minutest part of the Tech , then we know we need to do a “Disagreement Check” to sort it out cause Tech is not to be questioned in any way. That would be “blasphemy” in itself as LRH is never, ever wrong about anything in any way, shape or form.
- We feel greatly OUT-OF-ARC with the ones “who think differently, with the ones who disagrees with anything no matter how minute.
- We feel no need with studying many subjects (writing , general Science ,electricity, Art, navegation, etc,etc,etc,etc) as LRH already covered them. So why even try it ? It is already written, isn’t it ?
- Only the blogs that don’t mention anything wrong with Scn and LRH , not even if expressed with the correct manners and with valuable arguments, are to be considered “In-Tech” and as “Scientologists blogs”. The rest of them are “dark forces” blogs, or “dissenters blogs” , or “BPCed natteries”.
Do any of those points sound familiar to anyone ?
I used to post at one known blog and as long as I “behaved” and “stayed with the flow” I wasn’t moderated. No heated arguments or discussion are allowed as that is “enturbulating” the status quo and their little “comfort zone”. “Highly trained” auditors can’t be publicly questioned by “low level” auditors on subjects of great importance like the exact Bridge sequence LRH left for us. Or the origin of the upper level materials that we have here in the Field so that others new comers can feel at ease with it, knowing they are unaltered from the Originals.
No way, you are immediately an OSA troll only “trying to fish for upper level delivery terminals”. As if I really care for something I have already done decades before them and with the master himself.
“Any comm below 2.0 in the tone scale” according to the dear moderator is not let through even when you are defending yourself from obvious attacks only attempting to drive you away for thinking differently.
They heavily criticize blogs such as this one and “Scientolipedia” – because, “they are letting natteriers about Scn and LRH post” and “posting articles” from “ex-Scientologists” as well. I fell myself for that crap and violated my own personal integrity by agreeing with such assessments. I was blind myself, and were it not for a good, solid “kick in the butt” I got from BIC Admin (for which I’ll be eternally grateful) , I would still be posting there probably criticizing you guys here. They are fundamentalists “KSW” terminals only trying to “be right”.
But I fully grant them the same beingness that I was granted and the same patience I received from an obvious high toned and incredible balanced individual.
We as Scientologists must change. We must learn to let go of hates , intolerance for divergence, censorship , “know best” , and “religious mania”. Only then can we really be “Scientologists ” ; a link for many religions and philosophies , a Bridge that unites credos, races , viewpoints, and mutually agreed goals for the self-preservation of the human race.
OSA ain’t the real enemy. It is our own attitudes toward the world and towards our fellows. W/out such attitudes, OSA are just kindergarten boys.
My congratulations to the moderators of the Scientologists Back in Comm blog for letting this comment from Peter through.
Since I’m 30 years out and just now joining the “conversation”,
I can see that all you intelligent folks have already dissected scn from just about every possible angle. I’m content to listen and learn. I’m gaining not just new insights about scn, but also learning a lot about logic, philosophy and other spiritual approaches.
I’m also enjoying the crazy humor that pops up. Above ThetaClear comes up with “. . . .avoiding contagion from ‘the wog’.” Big lol for me on that one!
Anyhow, I agree with everyone above “IT DOESN’T WORK”
One of several rejected videos, along with much more fact- based info that was rejected.
Happy dance . . . in fact, I think my Tone Level just went up a notch. I’m guessing the post is a skilled demonstration of ARC in practise? Even this wog can discern the Affinity, plus a healthy load of valid information wrapped in articulate Communication, both nicely delivered with a pitch perfect Reality level for Scientologists able to duplicate those sparkling particles. The inherent assumption tucked into the stirring description of Scientology as a bridge capable of bearing all “credos, races , viewpoints, and mutually agreed goals for the self-preservation of the human race” is a bold flourish. If this is the sort of dialogue to be fostered over there I might have to take BiC off my list of Temporarily Lost Causes. I’d assumed the collective decompression was stalled due to uncomfortable truths being confused as “entheta”. I’ll be happy to admit I got that wrong.
What’s up with the necromancing of that OSA programme? Time flies, I got a wee fright when I realised that it been more than four years since Marty first posted it. I do remember it well because it would have been such EPIC material to splatter all over the intrawebz for use in educating n00bs and taunting trolls. But, alas, it lacks the required provenance to fully qualify as DOX. Its still useful because it is an accurate indication of what Scientology does get up to for the greater good. There is a risk, though, in pushing that big red “OSAOSAOSA Button” in a community of Exes, especially recent escapees. It can raise the tensions, make people a bit twitchy and more inclined to confirm bias. And its not only the Cult OSA which like to play the control game, the Indy OSA also has the ice-cold certainty required to hurt others in a good cause. For the record, I don’t believe there’s anything to this latest sounding of the OSAOSAOSA claxton, I just musing really. Mr Occam would give me a serious talking-to before pointing out that the alleged programme posted at BiC is most likely new information for that readership rather than indicative of any impending Hubbardian skullduggery.
Yes I remember. I didn’t l know about that incident, but I do get Hubbard’s character. The man was a dangerous charlatan.
By the way the reason some Scientologists refuse to confront Hubbard’s evil purposes, is because they will have to admit they were personally conned and mentally fucked by the oldest scam in the universe: RELIGION.
And because they refuse to put the effort to investigate the subject thoroughly, until they can personally connect all the dots, which Hubbard and others before, took full advantage of their ignorance.
We are talking about asserting an infantile state of mind.
Yes, for that reason and also the reason that they have invested a lot of their self-esteem on being an auditor in Scn and helping to free mankind, etc.
I mean, the guy I worked with in Peoria who has been involved since 1950 and worked with Ron – I just would never discuss what I know of scientology with him because what is he going to do with that? He’s 91 years old. Is he going to realize that he has wasted his entire life hypnotizing people in a brainwashing cult? No, he’s not. And I don’t know if there would be any value in his confronting that at this time of his life.
There is a degree of that going on with every Scientologist who finds themselves out on the real world without the cult’s thought restrictions being placed on them.
There are some people who would never want to undermine their own belief system because they would never want to go back to being who they used to be. Joining a religion can be a way of escaping yourself. And when you have successfully escaped yourself, you really don’t want to go back to the old you that you were before.
That’s the feeling anyway.
The reality is that you were you the whole time, before during and after scientology. And you really can’t go back to being the old you before scientology because that person changed into a scientologist, and learned all the things that you learned in Scientology, too.
But that’s the fear for some people – they’ll go back to be their old inferior self again.
They won’t.
Have you seen Brennan’s religious cloaking video?
Scientology is a mind control cult not a true religion.
Don’t allow your dislike for religion to make you a patsy for Scientology’s religion angle and religious cloaking.
It’s that angle and that cloaking that make it possible for it to do so much harm.
I’m not a patsy of anything. Scientology is a fundamentalist religion through and through
The cloaking and religious angle work to bamboozle the government and for general PR, to hide its felonies and violations of people’s civil rights, but that is not what makes it a religion in the full sense of the word.
Scientology deals with the supernatural, the spirit, and therefore expressly and tacitly with DEATH.
That is what gets into people’s inner core. Nobody can argue with death.
Hubbard and Scientology positioned themselves in Scientologists mind as the Gate Keepers of Fundamental Reality, just as all previous religious cults have done throughout the ages, and with the same consequences.
Just because Scientology looks different than traditional religions does not mean it is not one of them.
And by the way this cult has not even come close to committing the level of atrocities the main monotheistic cults have done.
Lots of subjects deal with the supernatural, spirit, and death, and do not claim to be religions. Go to any New Age conference and you’ll find them. Parapsychology is not a religion. The Monroe Institute is not a religion. Yoga is not a religion. The Rosicrucians are not a religion.
Scientology very cynically adopted the religious cloak so that that it can continue to get away with applying Hubbard’s abusive policies and tech.
There was a battle many years ago (still on going) over whether Scientology was an actual religion (with all the privileges of a an actual religion) or a totalist mind-manipulation cult operation. Scientology, and other mind-manipulation cults, got together (an unusual situation born out of necessity), with Scientology leading the way, and the “New Religious Movement” studies was born. The “NRM” people said there were no cults only new religions, and there was no such thing as brainwashing, and, in numerous court cases, were used (hired) by cults to argue on their behalf.
This continues to this day.
You need to study a bit more about religion. Who says that religion can’t brainwash people?
Take a good look at the Vatican or find yourself a hardcore Imam to have a nice spiritual chat with.
Hi Conan,
Scientology doesn’t like being denounced as a cult because that weakens it.
However, being denounced as a religion enables and empowers it.
I never wrote that religions can’t brainwash people. I don’t think we’re communicating well for some reason, at least not on this topic.
In any event, this isn’t the subject matter of this thread.
Thanks for managing to get some serious, worthwhile, content published over on BIC.
Happy to oblige, Alanzo!
One of the LRH references that is at the start of the OSA program (of course they’re all LRH references) is the notorious Amprimistics reference.
There was a thorough discussion of this over on Mike Rinder’s Blog many months ago which had a lot of excellent data exchanged, and Mike verified a lot of it.
Check out this link:
I’m not going to put it up over there. But Oracle kept asking “WHY WOULD SCIENTOLOGISTS TRY TO DESTROY OTHER SCIENTOLOGISTS???? OH WHY OH WHY???””
That link answers why.
But I’m not gonna tell her.
Here’s a good quote from Mike on that:
Someone will hold down the dissonance by saying “But that’s because there were REAL SPs back then and attacks from governments!!
But there’s just no way to hold back the dissonance on this one except to accept the truth: L Ron Hubbard created the Sea Org to have a fully brainwashed paramilitary force to protect him from his critics, and to attack his squirrels.
The only problem with that Mike Rinder quote about David Mayo is that it’s from a year and a half ago.
Rinder’s comments about David Mayo not regarding the combative aspects of Scientology as L. Ron Hubbard tech are just not accurate.
By now, I’m sure Rinder would agree with that.
But it allowed the BIC Mod to accuse you of omitting part of Rinder’s old statement.
Still, a little bit of light is shining through, but the censorship at BIC is still going strong.
Alanzo, good post!
And very good realization from Peter .It is about time Scientologists GET his observations.
Yes, yes, it is the religion stupid! I just posted the following at BIC:
Here is a bit more info on the Scientology Inquisition. The Church of Scientology has a long history of religious persecution of anyone they consider a threat to their monopoly.
Excerpted from Mike Rinder Blog:
1. The “Squirrel busters” attack that has been used to harass the Rathbuns in Texas was conceived and instituted by Miscavige in 1984 when he ordered “confrontations” by the original “Squirrel busters” at David Mayo’s facility in Santa Barbara. This was the beginning of the hostile “confrontations” that continue to this day.
2. I was charged with the responsibility of locating people who would be willing to carry out such confrontations and harassment and brought in a man named Dennis Clark from Hawaii and a local Scientologist Jim Jackson. They in turn recruited others to join them. I reported on their activities daily, in person, to Vicki Aznaran in RTC who relayed the information to Miscavige. Clark and Jackson were instructed that if they were approached and questioned by anyone concerning their activities, including media or law enforcement officials, they were to claim that they were merely “parishioners” of Scientology who had “decided on their own initiative” to protest Mr. Mayo’s activities.
Excerpted from Marty Rathbun Blog:
“Hubbard dealt with what he called ‘squirrels’ (defined as those who alter Scientology) in such wise to the very end of his life. In fact, the last person who served as his own auditor in the late seventies and who was the Hubbard-appointed senior-most Scientology technical supervisor in the world, one David Mayo, was the final target of such Hubbard scorn. When Mayo started practicing Scientology outside of the control of the cult in the early nineteen-eighties Hubbard directed that the church ‘squash him like a bug.’ “
David Miscavige was a twenty something punk, when the above operation was mandated by Hubbard.
This type of PSYOP, infiltrate and destroy missions, were started by Hubbard in the late 1950’s, and first put in writing in his 1959 “Manual of Justice”
Excellent data, Conan.
I’m afraid to post things like that over there any more.
The Oracle might swoop down and screech at me, Tony DePhillips might call me a “hater” and “OSA”, and ScnAfrica might black out my comments and give me a stern “reality-adjustment”.
I’ve taken too much of that crap from Scientologists over the years. I’m all full up.
You share it with me now….
Alanzo 🙂
I’ll just put this here:
Here’s what the moderators at the BackinCom blog allowed through of Conan’s post:
Always good to document these things!