Why Legal vs Illegal is Way More Important than Moral vs Immoral in Dealing with Scientology

Legal vs illegal

You do not want to live in a society where the government, or even you, has the power to take away someone else’s religion. This is why the line between legal and illegal behavior is WAY more important than the line between moral and immoral behavior.

Class 8 Student Tells Story of L Ron Hubbard’s OT Abilities on The Original Class 8 Course

L Ron Hubbard

As the Source of the technology of Dianetics and Scientology, L Ron Hubbard was obviously the greatest Scientology OT who ever lived. At Cause over Matter, Energy, Space, and Time, many stories of LRH’s OT abilities are told by those who worked with him, and who studied under him. Here is one such story, told … Read more

Post Ex-Scientology

Post ex scientology

A Post-Ex has integrated the arguments, and “truths”, he made as a Scientologist with the arguments, and “truths”, he made as an Ex/Anti-Scientologist. He has seen the disconnects and the contradictions there, and repaired them. He no longer walks around with an opposite self inside him, with which he is at war.

Is Scientology a Religion? Leah Remini Now Says It’s Not

Scientology Religion

When you look at the cosmology of Scientology from the viewpoint of social science – its rituals such as auditing, training, dissemination, and its clearly religious teachings on the thetan, the mind, and even Xenu – it is inescapable that Scientology is a religion.

Michael Shermer’s “The Believing Brain” & “Why People Believe Weird Things”

Michael Shermer The believing brain

Michael Shermer has written two books, “The Believing Brain” and “Why People Believe Weird Things”, which have been life-changing reads for me. There are several key points made in these books which can help a person understand Scientology, and Scientology-like experiences, in brand new ways. For me, a key point came early in “The Believing … Read more

A Study List for Life After Scientology

Life After Scientology

Your assumptions can be quite insidious. You must study the actual subjects that Hubbard “spun” for you – from sources completely independent from L Ron Hubbard – so as to challenge your own assumptions, separate out Hubbard’s installed ones, and inspect them for their weaknesses.

Binded and Blinded By the Tribal Mind

scientology vs antiscientology tribalism

Once I’d spotted that my thinking was tribal, I was no longer consumed by my tribe’s survival. I resented that the tribe had taken over my thinking. I could finally see the eclipsed and thoughtless cruelty of my former tribe.