Scientology OT 7 Reverend Rex Fowler Guilty of First Degree Murder
Scientology OT 7 Reverend Rex Fowler was convicted of murdering his business partner on the 25th of February 2011.
Critical Thinking on Cults & AntiCults
A lot of anti-Scientologists who haven’t been around for very long accuse Alanzo of never criticizing Scientology. They say he only criticizes Anti-Scientologists for all their tribalism and cruelty.
Yet Alanzo has been one of the most prolific and productive critics of the Church of Scientology in the last 20 years. And he has the real OSA fair game scars to prove it.
Alanzo finds he has to constantly repeat himself because no one who is around now knows who Alanzo is. Most of the rest of the old guard Scientology critics have drifted off or died.
I guess this happens to everyone who gets old.
This page is a collection of all of Alanzo’s criticism of:
the Church of Scientology,
Scientology technology,
David Miscavige,
Mike Rinder,
Marty Rathbun,
L. Ron Hubbard,
and Tom Cruise,
And these are just the blog posts he’s written criticizing Scientology. There is at least 5 times more criticism of Scientology, in terms of word count, on message boards around the Internet.
This collection of Alanzo’s Scientology criticism is presently over 130 posts. It will continue to grow.
So next time someone tells you that Alanzo only criticizes Anti-Scientologists, give them the link to this page.
Scientology OT 7 Reverend Rex Fowler was convicted of murdering his business partner on the 25th of February 2011.
There is a whole lot to gain by continually reminding myself of what a fact is, vs what a belief is. Especially with regard to political and religious areas of my life.
As the Source of the technology of Dianetics and Scientology, L Ron Hubbard was obviously the greatest Scientology OT who ever lived. At Cause over Matter, Energy, Space, and Time, many stories of LRH’s OT abilities are told by those who worked with him, and who studied under him. Here is one such story, told … Read more
I am very grateful to Arnie for getting that website up in the early days of the Internet, keeping it up, and enduring the legal actions and fair game of Mike Rinder’s Office of Special Affairs.
This documentary contains a very good discussion of the limits of power that people have over those who make religious and spiritual choices that others don’t like.
There are a lot of things about Scientology scriptures and OT levels that we would not have access to today on the Internet without the help of Dennis Erlich.
Everyone should know the story of Gerry Armstrong. Because if it was not for Gerry Armstrong, LRH, Marty, Mike and Dave might have gotten away with the whole thing.
This is the first in a series of videos by Gerry Armstrong, the most fair-gamed person in Scientology history, to Mike Rinder.
When you look at the cosmology of Scientology from the viewpoint of social science – its rituals such as auditing, training, dissemination, and its clearly religious teachings on the thetan, the mind, and even Xenu – it is inescapable that Scientology is a religion.
Why would Hubbard want to make the subject of classical logic “utterly forbidding” to Scientologists? By getting them to reject “Earth logic” and getting them to use the Data Series for critical thinking skills instead.
Michael Shermer has written two books, “The Believing Brain” and “Why People Believe Weird Things”, which have been life-changing reads for me. There are several key points made in these books which can help a person understand Scientology, and Scientology-like experiences, in brand new ways. For me, a key point came early in “The Believing … Read more
Consider this: Just as Scientology is not as good as a Scientologist tells you it is, Scientology is also not as bad as an Anti-Scientologist tells you it is.