scientology girl

Embrace Your Inner Scientologist

To dismiss that part of your life, to wall it off as “delusional” or “crazy”, is to remain in a dissociative state – to continue living a fractured life.

post ex scientology

Post Ex-Scientology

A Post-Ex has integrated the arguments, and “truths”, he made as a Scientologist with the arguments, and “truths”, he made as an Ex/Anti-Scientologist. He has seen the disconnects and the contradictions there, and repaired them. He no longer walks around with an opposite self inside him, with which he is at war.

scientology religion

Is Scientology a Religion? Leah Remini Now Says It’s Not

When you look at the cosmology of Scientology from the viewpoint of social science – its rituals such as auditing, training, dissemination, and its clearly religious teachings on the thetan, the mind, and even Xenu – it is inescapable that Scientology is a religion.

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How L Ron Hubbard Tricked You: Scientology Logic vs. Logic

Why would Hubbard want to make the subject of classical logic “utterly forbidding” to Scientologists? By getting them to reject “Earth logic” and getting them to use the Data Series for critical thinking skills instead.

chris obrien

Weird Accusations on the Frank Report

There is a dedicated group of people who follow me around on the Internet and get people to ask stupid questions, and make weird accusation against me. It’s an opportunity for me to set them straight.

life after scientology

A Study List for Life After Scientology

Your assumptions can be quite insidious. You must study the actual subjects that Hubbard “spun” for you – from sources completely independent from L Ron Hubbard – so as to challenge your own assumptions, separate out Hubbard’s installed ones, and inspect them for their weaknesses.

scientology vs antiscientology tribalism

Binded and Blinded By the Tribal Mind

Once I’d spotted that my thinking was tribal, I was no longer consumed by my tribe’s survival. I resented that the tribe had taken over my thinking. I could finally see the eclipsed and thoughtless cruelty of my former tribe.

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Scientology and The Source Family Cult

Looking into The Source Family cult is a good “parallel study” for some who have been involved in Scientology. You can gain a little better context for your Scientology experience.