Clearwater: There’s Something Wrong With Your Scientology Critics
Mark Bunker and Aaron Smith Levin say they’re going to “Do Something About Scientology” if you elect them to the Clearwater City Council. But their behavior tells a different story.
Critical Thinking on Cults & AntiCults
Mark Bunker and Aaron Smith Levin say they’re going to “Do Something About Scientology” if you elect them to the Clearwater City Council. But their behavior tells a different story.
Jeffrey Augustine shares his beliefs about his past lives to filmmaker Jeffrey Peixoto for the eruptively insightful Scientology documentary “Over the Rainbow”.
Steven Mango presents more evidence that Karen de la Carriere and Jeffrey Augustine were running a Scientology auditing scam together, and keeping it publicly hidden. They were publicly presenting themselves as Anti-Scientologists.
This lecture was deemed confidential and delivered only to highly trained “OTs” and auditors who paid for the Class 8 Course. I believe this lecture culminates his beliefs about everything that is wrong with Earth, and with all of us. I believe this is L Ron Hubbard’s Cosmology. I believe this describes, along with his … Read more
Karen de la Carriere posts Anti-Scientology info every day on the Ex-Scientologist Message Board while running her own Scientology auditing practice. Isn’t that weird?
Ideologies like Scientology are fixed cognitive traps that keep a person from understanding life as it is.
HelluvaHoax! took this letter out of context, cut it in half, and characterized it in a way that only Joseph Stalin, L Ron Hubbard, and Snow Suzy herself would be proud. As I’ve documented many times, telling the truth is not the object of the anti-Scientology fanatic on any of the Snow Suzy properties.
Scientology OT 7 Reverend Rex Fowler was convicted of murdering his business partner on the 25th of February 2011.
Angry Gay Pope, Karen de la Carriere’s long time video editor, admits Karen is a practicing Scientologist. Why hasn’t Chris Shelton or Tony Ortega ever reported this?
Marty Rathbun wrote a post last September that is more relevant than ever, thanks to Indy OSA turning intelligence into Black PR.