Why Legal vs Illegal is Way More Important than Moral vs Immoral in Dealing with Scientology

Legal vs illegal

You do not want to live in a society where the government, or even you, has the power to take away someone else’s religion. This is why the line between legal and illegal behavior is WAY more important than the line between moral and immoral behavior.

Class 8 Student Tells Story of L Ron Hubbard’s OT Abilities on The Original Class 8 Course

L Ron Hubbard

As the Source of the technology of Dianetics and Scientology, L Ron Hubbard was obviously the greatest Scientology OT who ever lived. At Cause over Matter, Energy, Space, and Time, many stories of LRH’s OT abilities are told by those who worked with him, and who studied under him. Here is one such story, told … Read more

Steven Hassan Makes Bizarre Claim for Why Moonie Brainwashing Didn’t Work Whenever Scientists Were in the Room

MG 2249

Social scientists like Eileen Barker traveled to Moonie recruitment seminars where brainwashing & mind control was claimed to be in use. They found that more than 90% of the people in those “brainwashing” seminars did not sign up to be a Moonie, and all were gone from the Moonies within 2 years.