People Who Have Been Harmed By Scientology Deserve Justice

Mark Rathbun and Mike Rinder Scientology

And they deserve closure. No person who is loyal and sycophantic to those who refuse to provide the information necessary to help people who have been harmed by Scientology are likely to be a credible journalistic source for those scrambling to make a buck at Scientology reporting. That’s a long sentence, but if you read … Read more

Marty Rathbun’s Blind Spots on L Ron Hubbard and Scientology

Mark Rathbun and His LRH Library 2012

The sooner you take the blind spots off of your view of L Ron Hubbard and his spiritual deception called Scientology, the better off you are. It’s like removing a band aid, or getting your privates waxed – do it fast, scream loudly, and start running. After reading Marty’s book this morning, I can see that … Read more

UPDATE: Leah Remini’s Scientology and the Aftermath Season 3 to Begin on November 27th

Leah Remini Scientology and the Aftermath Season 3

UPDATE: Apparently, there’s more trouble behind the scenes at Scientology and the Aftermath. After Mike Rinder’s announcement that Season 3 will begin on August 15th, he has now announced in a comment on his blog that Season 3 won’t start until the end of the year – November maybe. UPDATE2: And now Leah and A&E … Read more

The Anti-Cult Movement

Ted Patrick Anti-Cult Movement

The “Father of Deprogramming” Ted Patrick was a devoted Christian who believed he was doing God’s work by kidnapping people & holding them in a room & browbeating them until they denounced their faith. In 1980, he served 1 year in prison and paid a $5000 fine for kidnapping and false imprisonment.

Scientology & Mimicry

Coral snakes and their less venomous mimicries

The first book I purchased at a Scientology Mission was “Hymn of Asia”. And that is because it was the first book on Scientology offered to me at the mission to buy. They offered it to me because I told them that I was interested in and studying Buddhism. I was told that Scientology is … Read more

Alanzo’s Scientology Predictions for 2018

Alanzos Scientology Predictions for 2018

The Great Scientology Dissipation will continue. From the Church of Scientology to Indie Scientology to Anti-Scientology to Post Ex-Scientology, the continuing diaspora will disperse and evaporate at ever-diminishing intensities. Still no criminal activity will be reported on the Church of Scientology, as has been the case for over 30 years. David Miscavige will continue to … Read more

Marty Rathbun & Mike Rinder Need to Come Fully Clean

I left the Church of Scientology in 2000, and have been doing what I can to warn the public about the lies and abuse that L. Ron Hubbard and the executives of the Church of Scientology have been waging against spiritual seekers who came to Scientology and trusted it as their chosen religion. From their … Read more

The Hysterical Histrionics of Tony Ortega


In my race to lose friends and influence fewer people, I have to write one more post about the breathless and distorted interpretations of Scientology experiences by Tony Ortega. Yesterday, Tony Ortega wrote a blog post entitled “Even the local Scientology mission is hiding a horror show of abuse: Kelly Jordan tells her tale”. The … Read more

What Are AntiScientologists & the AntiCult Movement Trying to Achieve?

anti-cult movement

A cult is a smaller culture inside the wider culture around it. It has different knowledge, skills & moral values, with a different narrative and different attitudes and acceptable behaviors.