Is The Anti Cult Movement True?
The anticult movement is destructive to Ex-Scientologists & to any Ex of any minority religion slurred as a “cult”. It’s just belief. Not facts.
Critical Thinking on Cults & AntiCults
The anticult movement is destructive to Ex-Scientologists & to any Ex of any minority religion slurred as a “cult”. It’s just belief. Not facts.
This is an excerpt from Benjamin Zablocki’s book “Misunderstanding Cults” which is one of the best representations of the 90’s era debate on Cults and Brainwashing. What’s funny is that all the players, such as Dick Anthony and others, who thoroughly debunked the ideas of “cult brainwashing” just rode off into the sunset – leaving … Read more
Scientology is rightly categorized as a gnostic religion which created a highly developed form of psychotherapy to achieve the same goals as laid out in this lecture by Professor Martin.
Mike Rinder Anti-Scientology vs. Mike Rinder Scientology: a great real life example of what happens when your friends and your group are more important than the truth.
If Leah Remini really wanted a federal investigation, she’d present evidence of illegal activity – something, anything, the feds can actually use.
My point is not that there is no damage that comes from having been involved with Scientology. My point is that these assumptions must be examined critically before making these generalizations about Ex-Scientologists – and especially before adopting these assumptions for yourself as an Ex.
Question for Leah Remini – How will blaming a Scientology mother for her daughter’s suicide bring about a federal investigation?
Yesterday, up and coming celebrity anti-Scientologist Brendan Tighe was on Meghan Kelly’s chat show, where he claimed that Scarlett Johansson auditioned with the Church of Scientology to be Tom Cruise’s girlfriend. Johanssen released a statement to the magazine INSIDER regarding Brendan’s claim: This caused celebrity Anti-Scientologist Aaron Smith Levin to take to twitter this morning … Read more
Tony Ortega loves it when a Scientologist commits suicide. He jumps all over every Scientology suicide he hears about. He even blames Scientology mothers for their daughter’s suicide.
Just like an upcoming event in Scientology, where it’s the GREATEST EVER and THE WORLD WILL CHANGE after this great new announcement, Leah and Mike’s minions are doing their best to pump up what’s left of the viewership.
In your war against your former religion, have you lost all of your humanity? Stick to the abuses, Mike. Uncover the crimes – for once.
Get on it, girlfriends!! Are Celebrity Anti-Scientologists exposing the crimes of Scientology? Hell no! They stopped trying to do that years ago!
Aaron Smith Levin visited Tony Ortega’s blog this morning in an effort to enlighten us on what’s going on behind the scenes of Season Three of “Scientology and the Aftermath”. It looks like Ortega’s blog post this morning, “SHOCKING MOLESTATION CLAIMS LEAKING OUT BEFORE AFTERMATH EPISODE”” gives details of a young Ex-Scientologist’s life that – … Read more
Are beliefs that are different from yours illegitimate beliefs? Are those who follow them are less human than you? Did they choose their beliefs just like you did?
In the unceasing parade of human folly and hypocrisy, perhaps there is no better example of a man who, for years, falsely accused L Ron Hubbard and all Scientologists of endorsing and condoning pedophilia while he himself had made 90% of his paycheck off of Backpage sex traffick advertising, which led to horrific instances of … Read more
In the introduction to this podcast with Erika Christensen, Dax Shepard provided a valuable principle from anthropology which applies to understanding & discussing all minority religions.
On Episode 2 of Scientology and the Aftermath, we are taken through the tragic story of Taylor Tweed’s suicide. We are shown the “handlings” that Taylor’s mom tried to perform to try to “get Taylor’s ethics in”, and which now can be seen to be clearly, tragically, catastrophically, the wrong thing to do for Taylor, … Read more