Corey Andrews Transcript: Steven Mango Exposes Karen de la Carriere’s Scientology Auditing Scam

Steven Mango video exposing independent scientology

Steven Mango talks about dealing with Karen de la Carriere who plays both sides delivering Scientology auditing – charging 10s of thousands – while criticizing the tech & saying it doesn’t work.

Dupes of Mike Rinder: Cult City Tours says “Scientology Can’t Be Prosecuted”

The apartment where Kyle Brennan died

I called “Ted the Tour Guy” of Cult City Tours last weekend because I had a great idea for a stop on his tour of Scientology’s hotspots in downtown Clearwater: It’s the apartment where Kyle Brennan died from a gunshot to the head, and where 14 pieces of evidence were wiped clean of blood and … Read more

Karen de la Carriere’s Scientology Auditing Scam

Steven Mango Karen de la Carriere Jeffrey Augustine

Steven Mango details his experience getting Scientology auditing from Karen de la Carriere, her attempts to get more & more money out of him, steering him away from actual mental health counseling at one of the lowest, most suicidal points in his life circa 2017.

Leah Remini’s Scientology and the Aftermath Has Still Presented No Evidence of Criminal Activity by the Church of Scientology

Leah Remini's Scientology and the Aftermath

Last night’s episode of Leah Remini’s Scientology and the Aftermath was a round table discussion of former Scientologists, and independent Scientologists, exposing the upper levels of Scientology so that people can make more informed decisions about their involvement. For that reason, it was a very valuable episode. And Tony Ortega has gotten people who have … Read more

Pounding the Intellectual Honesty Out of Aaron Smith-Levin

Aaron Smith Levin

I recorded my thoughts on the treatment I observed Aaron Smith-Levin getting from his Anti-Scientologist friends. From the ideologue Chris Shelton, to Tony Ortega’s demagoguery, to Leah Remini’s need to create a moral panic around Scientology – can Aaron’s intellectual honesty survive?

Scientology 2nd Gen Neil Gaiman is Not Sympathy Grifting You For Expensive Anti-Scientology Neck Injections

Neil Gaiman

Here’s a Scientology “2nd Gen” who is not running a sympathy grift on you: Neil Gaiman From his Wikipedia page: Neil Richard MacKinnon Gaiman (/ˈɡeɪmən/;[2] born Neil Richard Gaiman on 10 November 1960) is an English author of short fiction, novels, comic books, graphic novels, audio theatre, and screenplays. His works include the comic book … Read more

5 Questions Mike & Leah Won’t Answer on The Fair Game Podcast

Mike Rinder Leah Remini FairGame Podcast

Mike Rinder & Leah Remini pretend to answer the tough questions about Scientology on their Fair Game Podcast. Here are the questions they will never allow.