Is Scientology a Religion? Leah Remini Now Says It’s Not

Scientology Religion

When you look at the cosmology of Scientology from the viewpoint of social science – its rituals such as auditing, training, dissemination, and its clearly religious teachings on the thetan, the mind, and even Xenu – it is inescapable that Scientology is a religion.

Michael Shermer’s “The Believing Brain” & “Why People Believe Weird Things”

Michael Shermer The believing brain

Michael Shermer has written two books, “The Believing Brain” and “Why People Believe Weird Things”, which have been life-changing reads for me. There are several key points made in these books which can help a person understand Scientology, and Scientology-like experiences, in brand new ways. For me, a key point came early in “The Believing … Read more

A Study List for Life After Scientology

Life After Scientology

Your assumptions can be quite insidious. You must study the actual subjects that Hubbard “spun” for you – from sources completely independent from L Ron Hubbard – so as to challenge your own assumptions, separate out Hubbard’s installed ones, and inspect them for their weaknesses.

Binded and Blinded By the Tribal Mind

scientology vs antiscientology tribalism

Once I’d spotted that my thinking was tribal, I was no longer consumed by my tribe’s survival. I resented that the tribe had taken over my thinking. I could finally see the eclipsed and thoughtless cruelty of my former tribe.

Healing From Scientology Abuse is Not a Social Media Activity


If you were not abused in Scientology, and you say so in the various social media platforms on the Internet, then you can be accused of being heartless to those who were. A common way to avoid that is to forget your own viewpoint and to take up other peoples’ problems of abuse as your … Read more

Critical Thinking: What Percentage of Children Are 2nd Generation Scientologists?

scientology children

In the same way that asking critical thinking questions can get you out of Scientology, asking critical thinking questions can get you out of Anti-Scientology, too.

If AntiCultists Love Science So Much, Why Don’t They Use It?

Cult mind control

One of the most hysterical & unscientific beliefs of AntiCultism is that “brainwashing” & “Mind Control” are at work whenever anyone becomes a member of a “cult”.

Celebrity Anti-Scientology: The Drama Queen Paradigm of “Cult Recovery”

Chris Shelton the Stuart Smalley of Celebrity antiScientology

Celebrity anti-Scientology is a hell of a drug. Presenting all your trauma, over and over to a sympathetic audience on TV can create and maintain your whole self-identity for you. And it can get you all the status & fame you desire. But is it good for you?

Professor Hugh Urban Responds to Tony Ortega’s Stereotyping of “Religious Studies Types”

Hugh Urban e1493603666394

I’ll hand this to Tony, whenever it is to his own advantage, he does make stabs at being intellectually honest. In this case, he published a response to his criticism of professor Hugh Urban and his stereotyping of all social scientists who study religion as “religious studies types”. Professor Hugh Urban is the Director of … Read more

Cognitive Dissonance – More About

When Prophecy Fails

Jeff Hawkins wrote a post a few years ago detailing much of the basics behind Cognitive Dissonance Theory, and I am very grateful that he did, as this theory is fundamental to understanding not only how cult dynamics work, but how human beings work. I’m currently listening to free online lectures from a Social Psychology … Read more