Non-Confront of LRH Can Lead to Using Scientology to Harm Others

head sand

Here’s how: L Ron Hubbard wrote some very abusive technology meant to do others harm. He even taught Scientologists to never fear to hurt others in a “just cause”. Any time I see a group of Independent Scientologists who refuse to allow LRH to be criticized, and can not acknowledge legitimate criticism of LRH, I … Read more

Was L Ron Hubbard Perfect?

L Ron Hubbard

When a Scientologist leaves the Church of Scientology and sees the information on L Ron Hubbard’s real life outside the glossy brochures printed by the Church, internal conflicts result. These internal conflicts can swirl around questions like this: “How can this man – whose technology gave me so many spiritual wins and real advancements in … Read more

Church of Scientology Operation Snow White – From a Guy Who Was There

Church of Scientology Operation Snow White

Remote-Viewed is a frequent poster on the MileStone 2 blog, as well as Mike Rinder’s blog and a few others around the Post-Scientology Internet. He has a view all his own. He is in the middle of telling his story as a member of the infamous Guardian’s Office in the 1970’s during the Church of … Read more

Fanaticism, Criminality, and Abuse in Scientology

Was L Ron Hubbard perfect?

Scientologists aren’t squirreling Scientology when they apply Fair Game to their “enemies”, they are applying 100% standard Scientology. Thus, I contend that all fanaticism, criminality, and abuse that comes from Scientologists, either in the Church or in the Independent field, stems directly from following the written words and taped lectures of L Ron Hubbard. If … Read more

Bob Adams of the Church of Scientology on “A Scientology Perspective on Bullying”

Scientology Perspective on Bullying

Scientology Bullying Bullying is a routine “handling” for people who Scientology perceives as “suppressive”. Bob Adams’ article is truly one of the most hypocritical things I think I have ever seen them lie about. It is truly Stalin and Kafka-esque. And here’s their Soviet-style propaganda piece, as if pulled from the pages of Pravda: Religion … Read more

Great Comments From the Post-Scientology Internet – UDARNIK from ESMB

This one, from Udarnik at ESMB, caught my eye today. Udarnik wrote: “Man is not a rational animal, he is a rationalizing animal. – Robert A. Heinlein “I once had an argument with a Tea Partier about whether the Founders meant to establish Christianity in the US. When I used Jefferson’s quote about complete rejection … Read more

A History of Scientology Criticism: 1995’s Scientology vs. The Internet


This article appeared in 1995 and documents some of the history of Scientology, Ex-Scientologists and Critics using the Internet to warn the public about the dangers of Scientology. It documents the major role that the newsgroup alt.religion.scientology played in the early days of dissent against Scientology and some of the events and people involved. This … Read more

Raid on the Church of Scientology by the Food and Drug Administration

FDA logo

Most Scientologists only know L Ron Hubbard’s side of this case, as they read all the issues he put out to them as part of his PR handling. From this, Scientologists have images of jack-booted government thugs storming peaceful churches with “guns drawn” and hauling away E-Meters, which were only innocent “religious artifacts”. Hubbard’s narrative … Read more

Is ESMB Good for Ex-Scientologists?

The Ex Scientologist Message Board used to be a therapeutic place for Exes to talk to others about their time in Scientology. Not any more, it’s made up of paranoid sociopaths whose brains have been rutted by destructive habits. They are actually worse than Scientologists now.

Don’t Let Your Struggle….

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It can sometimes happen to an Ex-Scientologist that they feel responsible for the abuses that Scientology perpetuates on others, even though they themselves had no part in those abuses, and could not stop them even if they tried. In some cases, they may have even tried to stop the abuses, but could not. And yet … Read more

Undercover as an OSA Agent, Part 3

Secret Agent Man

Intelligence work has greatly benefited from the emergence of cell phones. But this was 1987, and cell phones were called “car phones” then, and they were enormous bricks that were connected to the dashboard of your car by a curly wire, and only the most annoying people had them. As a result, things were happening … Read more

Undercover as an OSA Agent, Part 4

secretagent ins2

The bar was packed. My beer was gone and someone was sitting on my stool. Yellow Badges were everywhere. I walked up to a space next to the busy waitress station and ordered another beer. Glasses were clinking, I could hear “Oh, that’s terrible!” and “You know it’s like she became a different person. She … Read more