Scientology Historic Blockbuster: Steven Fishman’s “Lonesome Squirrel”

Book cover Steven Fishman Lonesome Squirrel

Statement by the ostensible Scientology “critic” Tony Ortega: “As we began reading “Lonesome Squirrel,” we realized that some of the people named in it have, 20 years later, come out of the church. So we reached out to them and they confirmed for us that nothing in the book associated with them actually happened. “Lonesome … Read more

How the Anti Cult Movement Harms Ex-Cult Members

the anti cult movement

Adopting the beliefs of the anti-cult movement dramatically changes the views and attitudes of those who experience a loss of faith. Those changes have a profound effect on how Exes make sense of their own past. So we must ask: How helpful is the ideology of the anti cult movement in making sense of your life?

Marisa Sigmond Threatens Me With Violence a Second Time

Marisa Sigmond

Marisa Sigmond, on this Youtube Channel’s community post, threatens violence against me, this time in writing. “You Scientology watching folks want some action?’ “Well this is action that goes unnoticed. But extremely rampant.’ “Ex Scientologists do not know how to fight me. Because I don’t fight Scientology style. I fight “I am going to drop … Read more

Scientology Has Deleted Its Bible

Scientology Books in the Trash -

One of the things that no one seems to be talking about in the incredibly craptastic social media based “Scientology Community” is that all those books by L Ron Hubbard pictured above – the Technical Volumes (red) and the Organizational Executive Course volumes (green) – are no longer for sale and are not available to … Read more

Paris Cashin Throws Me a Softball

Paris Cashin

Paris Cashin, who often appears as a smart and supportive commenter in many Ex-Scientologists’ youtube channels, threw me a softball question the other day. Paris Cashin appeared in comments when I first started up and she was incredibly supportive of me. Not so much any more because “she supports women”, and I guess that means … Read more

The Scientology 2nd Gen Sympathy Grift

The Scientology 2nd Gen Sympathy Grift thumbnail

New video released today. TRANSCRIPT: This is Alanzo with I was 16 years in Scientology 15 years in anti Scientology. And now I have been 9 years out of both. This Month is Alanzo’s 40th Year Since Walking Into Scientology at 23 I used to say eight, but July 2024 is the 40th anniversary … Read more

Is Aaron Smith Levin Still Covering Up for Mike Rinder?

I Aaron Smith Levin Still covering up for Mike Rinder

Aaron Smith Levin has admitted that two victims of Scientology child rape have been keeping themselves silent for YEARS for “the greater good” of his position on the board of the Aftermath Foundation. This makes me sick to my stomach.

A History of Scientology Criticism: Anonymous’ Declaration of War on Scientology

Anonymous Declaration of War on Scientology

In late 2007 the media had all been shuddered into silence by Marty Mike and Dave. The only way to expose Scientology was by personal risk, by one’s self, on the Internet. Then the Anonymous collective arrived.

While Aaron Smith Levin Can Be Criticized for Some Things – Those Aren’t as Important As What He Does Here

Aaron Smith Levin

Aaron Smith Levin calls out the dirty LAPD officers who arrested him. Why not call out the Clearwater Police Department as well? If the LAPD can be bought off by Scientology, why not the Clearwater PD?

Warning For Present and Future Activists and Critics of Scientology

Jeffrey Augustine, Karen de la Carriere, Mike Rinder

Mike Rinder, Karen de la Carriere and Jeffrey Augustine Fair Game the Scientology critics they can’t control. Here’s one Op they ran on me and my friends.

YouTuber Toddie1Skip Slams Aaron Smith Levin for His Stunts Last Night in Hollywood

YouTuber Toddie1Skip

YouTuber Toddie1Skip provides important critical thinking points on Aaron Smith Levin’s arrest last night in downtown Hollywood. Please do your own research, consider all viewpoints, and make up your own mind.

Gerry Armstrong’s Full Archives of Mike Rinder’s Fair Game Against Him

Mike Rinder Gerry Armstrong

Ever since Gerry Armstrong discovered L Ron Hubbard’s true biography, and courageously – heroically – refused to keep it a secret, David Miscavige, Mike Rinder and Marty Rathbun – among others – have sought to shudder him into silence. They have done unspeakable things to try to shut Gerry Armstrong up. And Gerry Armstrong has … Read more