Ever since Gerry Armstrong discovered L Ron Hubbard’s true biography, and courageously – heroically – refused to keep it a secret, David Miscavige, Mike Rinder and Marty Rathbun – among others – have sought to shudder him into silence.
They have done unspeakable things to try to shut Gerry Armstrong up.
And Gerry Armstrong has methodically recorded each one. From their physical pursuit of him, trying to run him off the road, to their court cases against him where his lawyers had been blackmailed, to their depraved use of him to gain tax exempt status, and to their present and continuing attempts to discredit him to those who might support him.
This isn’t a rabbit hole. It is an underground tunnel up and out of the deception that L Ron Hubbard’s Scientology has always sought to trap you in.
Whether you are a fervent Churchie, an escaping Ex, a passionate anti, or a compassionate never-in just trying to understand what the hell is going on here – you have been deceived about Scientology.
This is the way out: