Post Ex-Scientology

Post ex scientology

A Post-Ex has integrated the arguments, and “truths”, he made as a Scientologist with the arguments, and “truths”, he made as an Ex/Anti-Scientologist. He has seen the disconnects and the contradictions there, and repaired them. He no longer walks around with an opposite self inside him, with which he is at war.

How L Ron Hubbard Tricked You: Two Scientologys

hubbard 2 sides

Have you ever noticed that there are two Scientologys? When you study the chronological development of Dianetics and Scientology, and you watch L Ron Hubbard develop his tech and policies, you can really see the change from one Scientology to another as it evolved from the 1950’s into the late 1960’s and 1970’s. All the … Read more

Celebrity Anti-Scientology: The Drama Queen Paradigm of “Cult Recovery”

Chris Shelton the Stuart Smalley of Celebrity antiScientology

Celebrity anti-Scientology is a hell of a drug. Presenting all your trauma, over and over to a sympathetic audience on TV can create and maintain your whole self-identity for you. And it can get you all the status & fame you desire. But is it good for you?

Professor Hugh Urban Responds to Tony Ortega’s Stereotyping of “Religious Studies Types”

Hugh Urban e1493603666394

I’ll hand this to Tony, whenever it is to his own advantage, he does make stabs at being intellectually honest. In this case, he published a response to his criticism of professor Hugh Urban and his stereotyping of all social scientists who study religion as “religious studies types”. Professor Hugh Urban is the Director of … Read more

Anti-Scientologists Display Frenzied Hysteria & Dysfunctional Negativity Over CNN’s “Believer”

Reza Aslan CNN Believer

Reza Aslan’s episode of “Believer” on CNN regarding Independent Scientology changed my life for the better. It reminded me of an approach to belief and spiritual pursuits that is positive, constructive, and life-giving.

Paul Thomas Anderson’s The Master Revisited by an Ex-Scientologist

Paul Thomas Anderson's The Master

For anyone not intimately familiar with Hubbard’s writing and the early history of Scientology, you should know that almost every word that Hoffman’s Lancaster Dodd speaks in Paul Thomas Anderson’s The Master is either a direct quote or a paraphrase from L Ron Hubbard. You should also know that the sequence of scenes in this … Read more

Mike Rinder Bans Commenter From His Blog For Posting Link to US Senate Investigation Into

Mike Rinder

Mike Rinder Anti-Scientology vs. Mike Rinder Scientology: a great real life example of what happens when your friends and your group are more important than the truth.

Has Celebrity Anti-Scientology Jumped the Shark?

brendan tighe scientology

Yesterday, up and coming celebrity anti-Scientologist Brendan Tighe was on Meghan Kelly’s chat show, where he claimed that Scarlett Johansson auditioned with the Church of Scientology to be Tom Cruise’s girlfriend. Johanssen released a statement to the magazine INSIDER regarding Brendan’s claim: This caused celebrity Anti-Scientologist Aaron Smith Levin to take to twitter this morning … Read more