Sacred Cows + Siege Mentality = Sheeple

Lambs to slaughter

Sheeple. An actual mathematical formula for them. I’m not kidding. I think Carl Sagan wrote about it once: Ask Neil Degrasse Tyson. It describes a fundamental property of all human groups: not just Scientists and Scientologists. As social animals, human beings set up rules, both tacit and expressed, to coordinate their efforts in pursuit of … Read more

4 Steps to Stop Thinking and Feeling With Scientology

Recovery from Scientology

Scientology, as created and maintained by L Ron Hubbard, seeks to take over and dictate every thing that the Scientologist thinks and feels. If you were ever a fervent, KSW believing Scientologist, then you probably adopted Scientology to do your thinking and feeling for you. As a result, you may have had difficulty dismantling this … Read more

John Travolta: The Boy in the Scientology Plastic Bubble


travolta-boy-in-the-Scientology-plastic-bubbleJohn Travolta spoke out against Alex Gibney’s documentary “Going Clear” on Scientology yesterday, as was reported in the Tampa Bay Times.

Here’s an important quote from the Tampa Bay Times article which shows how Travolta, as a Scientologist, thinks about it

I think this is some very interesting reasoning, actually:

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Scientology Tax Exempt? Look How Australia Addressed the Question in 2010

Australian Senator Nick Xenophon 2010

Scientology Tax Exempt? It was summer of 2010, which in the upside down world of Australia, means that summertime is the coldest time of their year. Yes, Australians are upside down and topsy-turvy, but in July of 2010, one Senator Nick Xenophon was getting something exactly right. He was using the power of his office … Read more

Great Excuses for Why Scientology Does Not Work by Lana Mitchell on Milestone2 blog

out 2d

Yesterday, on February 22nd, Lana Mitchell of Milestone2 blog, wrote a post about “criminal and out-ethics” types who have come to her for help with Scientology technology and no progress was made with them. So instead of seeing that the tech did not work in those instances, she dismisses these people as criminals. Lana is … Read more

Dr. John Gordon Clark on Scientology Auditing

harvard medical

The best, most succinct description of Scientology auditing ever by Dr. John Gordon Clark of Harvard Medical School: “Auditing is a simple, thoroughly designed means, of concentrating the mind to the state of a controlled trance.’ “The aim and result is progressively to enforce loyalty to and identification with Scientology to the detriment of one’s … Read more

In Defense of David Miscavige

David Miscavige of the Church of Scientology

This is a post sent to me by another very smart commenter on the Post-Scientology Internet named “StatPush”. I think it provides a viewpoint on David Miscavige and the Church of Scientology that you don’t hear very often, and one that is valuable to consider. – Alanzo Note: “This article originally started out as a … Read more

Are These Some of L Ron Hubbard’s Sources for Scientology?

Egyptian Mystery Religious Sources for Scientology

This is a guest post by the poster known as “Conan”, a frequent denizen of message boards and blogs on the Post-Scientology Internet. This post, for me, fits squarely into the category of “data of comparable magnitude” with which to evaluate the ideas in Scientology. – Alanzo The key to Hubbard’s bamboozle is the hiding … Read more

To Fully Understand Scientology, You Can’t Use Scientology to Understand It

Move on down the road from Scientology

Sounds kind of circular, doesn’t it? Well it is. Most Scientologists are stuck in the circular trap of trying to use Scientology to understand Scientology. You can see them on the Internet, using an LRH reference to explain another LRH reference. For example: How do we know the reactive mind exists? Because we have engrams … Read more