anti cult movement

Is The Anti Cult Movement True?

The anticult movement is destructive to Ex-Scientologists & to any Ex of any minority religion slurred as a “cult”. It’s just belief. Not facts.


The word “CULT”

Are beliefs that are different from yours illegitimate beliefs? Are those who follow them are less human than you? Did they choose their beliefs just like you did?

anonymous anticult protester

AntiCult Brainwashing Ideology as Totalism by Dick Anthony

“If I am correct about brainwashing ideology being a form of totalitar­ian influence, it would presumably serve the function of ministering to a polarized self-sense and curing identity confusion by enabling converts to it to shift responsibility for undesirable aspects of their person­alities and former behaviour onto a scapegoated contrast category, in this case the new religious movement of which they were formerly a member.

ted patrick anti-cult movement

The Anti-Cult Movement

The “Father of Deprogramming” Ted Patrick was a devoted Christian who believed he was doing God’s work by kidnapping people & holding them in a room & browbeating them until they denounced their faith. In 1980, he served 1 year in prison and paid a $5000 fine for kidnapping and false imprisonment.

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Information Disease

A broader perspective, a wider context, and an array of diverse sources of ideas and information are the cures for information disease.

in defense of j gordon melton

In Defense of J Gordon Melton

I believe if an Ex-cultist is to fully graduate from his former cultic thinking and keep evolving and growing in a constructive manner after the cult, he should teach himself to listen to criticism, and carefully determine if there might be something true in it.