
The word “CULT”

Are beliefs that are different from yours illegitimate beliefs? Are those who follow them are less human than you? Did they choose their beliefs just like you did?

tony ortega backpage

Is Tony Ortega in Legal Jeopardy?

In the unceasing parade of human folly and hypocrisy, perhaps there is no better example of a man who, for years, falsely accused L Ron Hubbard and all Scientologists of endorsing and condoning pedophilia while … Read more

Anonymous Anticult Protester

AntiCult Brainwashing Ideology as Totalism by Dick Anthony

“If I am correct about brainwashing ideology being a form of totalitar­ian influence, it would presumably serve the function of ministering to a polarized self-sense and curing identity confusion by enabling converts to it to shift responsibility for undesirable aspects of their person­alities and former behaviour onto a scapegoated contrast category, in this case the new religious movement of which they were formerly a member.

plato bust

Read Plato

Another excellent discussion over on Mike Rinder’s blog prompted me to post this solution to the endless tribal warfare between “spiritualists” and “scientists”. Although I almost always disagree with her, Marildi, once again does an … Read more

science and spiritual practice rupert sheldrake

Science and Spiritual Practices by Rupert Sheldrake

A talk by Rupert Sheldrake, who is a biologist by training from Cambridge, and a graduate of Philosophy and History of Science from Harvard. He worked with Francis Crick, one of the fathers of genetic research, and has published many cited papers in the field of biology.