Michael Shermer’s “The Believing Brain” & “Why People Believe Weird Things”

Michael Shermer The believing brain

Michael Shermer has written two books, “The Believing Brain” and “Why People Believe Weird Things”, which have been life-changing reads for me. There are several key points made in these books which can help a person understand Scientology, and Scientology-like experiences, in brand new ways. For me, a key point came early in “The Believing … Read more

Binded and Blinded By the Tribal Mind

scientology vs antiscientology tribalism

Once I’d spotted that my thinking was tribal, I was no longer consumed by my tribe’s survival. I resented that the tribe had taken over my thinking. I could finally see the eclipsed and thoughtless cruelty of my former tribe.

Alanzo’s Bio: In & Out of Scientology & Anti-Scientology

Alanzo Scientology

I left the Church of Scientology after 16 years, becoming an outspoken critic of them in 1999. I’ve been thinking and writing about Scientology and cults for 36 years, in and out of both. Of all the lessons I learned by escaping Scientology, then by escaping Anti-Scientology, I’ve learned one lesson harder than any other: … Read more

Undercover as an Agent for the Office of Special Affairs


When I was young and dumb, I worked with OSA in Illinois. Randy Kretchmar, Carol Brookes and Mary Ann Ahmad were the Office of Special Affairs at the Chicago Org at that time. The Cult Awareness Network had not been infiltrated, taken over and destroyed by OSA yet. They were still the Church of Scientology’s … Read more

Scientology & Mimicry

Coral snakes and their less venomous mimicries

The first book I purchased at a Scientology Mission was “Hymn of Asia”. And that is because it was the first book on Scientology offered to me at the mission to buy. They offered it to me because I told them that I was interested in and studying Buddhism. I was told that Scientology is … Read more

The Best Book on Scientology: John Sweeney’s “Church of Fear”

John Sweeney's Church of Fear

Of all the books that have been written about Scientology, if you had only one shot to communicate to someone what Scientology was all about, I would give them John Sweeney’s “Church of Fear”.

Alanzo’s Censorship Policy – Reissued

ALANZO COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Cornfield Manor, Cornfield, Illinois ACO POLICY LETTER OF 9 NOVEMBER 2014  Remimeo CENSORSHIP POLICY All off-topic and personally insulting comments, and all ad-hominem attacks, will be disposed of quietly and without sorrow. Any viewpoint on Scientology, L Ron Hubbard, David Miscavige, or cults, philosophies, and religions in general, will not be censored … Read more

Good Grief


My best friend died last November. Yesterday, I was in a business meeting with a new client at her business. A person from my friend’s old workplace stopped in to call on my new client. When that person left, I told this new client of mine a personal story about my friend that was wholly … Read more