Did Indy OSA Just Screw the Pooch? Marty Rathbun & Karen De La Carriere
Marty Rathbun wrote a post last September that is more relevant than ever, thanks to Indy OSA turning intelligence into Black PR.
Critical Thinking on Cults & AntiCults
Marty Rathbun wrote a post last September that is more relevant than ever, thanks to Indy OSA turning intelligence into Black PR.
Michael Shermer has written two books, “The Believing Brain” and “Why People Believe Weird Things”, which have been life-changing reads for me. There are several key points made in these books which can help a person understand Scientology, and Scientology-like experiences, in brand new ways. For me, a key point came early in “The Believing … Read more
There is a dedicated group of people who follow me around on the Internet and get people to ask stupid questions, and make weird accusation against me. It’s an opportunity for me to set them straight.
I left the Church of Scientology after 16 years, becoming an outspoken critic of them in 1999. I’ve been thinking and writing about Scientology and cults for 36 years, in and out of both. Of all the lessons I learned by escaping Scientology, then by escaping Anti-Scientology, I’ve learned one lesson harder than any other: … Read more
When I was young and dumb, I worked with OSA in Illinois. Randy Kretchmar, Carol Brookes and Mary Ann Ahmad were the Office of Special Affairs at the Chicago Org at that time. The Cult Awareness Network had not been infiltrated, taken over and destroyed by OSA yet. They were still the Church of Scientology’s … Read more
Of all the books that have been written about Scientology, if you had only one shot to communicate to someone what Scientology was all about, I would give them John Sweeney’s “Church of Fear”.
I learned that someone – not Church OSA – was taking creepy screenshots of everything I write on my blog, like every day, multiple times per day.
Mainstream society can’t claim to have all the answers for everybody. If we claim to be a free society, why do we de-legitimize & dehumanize those who join our subcultures?
ALANZO COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Cornfield Manor, Cornfield, Illinois ACO POLICY LETTER OF 9 NOVEMBER 2014 Remimeo CENSORSHIP POLICY All off-topic and personally insulting comments, and all ad-hominem attacks, will be disposed of quietly and without sorrow. Any viewpoint on Scientology, L Ron Hubbard, David Miscavige, or cults, philosophies, and religions in general, will not be censored … Read more
AlanzosBlog: Be Loyal to the Truth and Not to Any Person or Group
NOTE: no one asked me any questions about why I am doing these videos. I just wanted to make myself seem more popular.
Charles Lakes was the Number 1 qualifier for the US Olympic Gymnastic Team in ’88. He used Scientology to do it. How do I know? Because I helped him.