Alanzo Apologism 101: Why I Think The Way I Do About Scientology
I try to explain what I’ve learned over the last 25 years since being out of Scientology, and how that has led me to the way I think about Scientology now.
Critical Thinking on Cults & AntiCults
I try to explain what I’ve learned over the last 25 years since being out of Scientology, and how that has led me to the way I think about Scientology now.
Chris Shelton’s latest upload to YouTube proves that he is a petulant, hypocritical, virtue-signaling liar. His covert underhanded decades-long fight with me proves it.
I answered a poll that Anthony RR Mills created on his youtube channel, and I wrote a comment in response to this. Anthony answered my comment. This is my response to him.
Anti-Scientologists who were never in Scientology have a long row to hoe if they hope to be accurate in their criticisms of Scientology. I provide the lessons you need here at AlanzosBlog.
Alanzo on Ethercat’s “Through The Door” Friday, 27th September, 2002 08:39:19pm Name or Alias: Alanzo Training and/or processing level: Clear, Exec Status One, GAT Ethics Specialist, Data Series Evaluator Org or location: N/A Time involved … Read more
There is a dedicated group of people who follow me around on the Internet and get people to ask stupid questions, and make weird accusation against me. It’s an opportunity for me to set them straight.
I left the Church of Scientology after 16 years, becoming an outspoken critic of them in 1999. I’ve been thinking and writing about Scientology and cults for 36 years, in and out of both. Of … Read more
AlanzosBlog: Be Loyal to the Truth and Not to Any Person or Group
After unpacking my bags in my room, I sat down at the little round table next to the window and looked out onto the parking lot. People were streaming in to the front doors of … Read more
Intelligence work has greatly benefited from the emergence of cell phones. But this was 1987, and cell phones were called “car phones” then, and they were enormous bricks that were connected to the dashboard of … Read more
The bar was packed. My beer was gone and someone was sitting on my stool. Yellow Badges were everywhere. I walked up to a space next to the busy waitress station and ordered another beer. … Read more